<h1>IAMG'97 LATEST NEWS International Association for Mathematical Geology (IAMG) IAMG HOME PAGE

Third Announcement IAMG'97

Pre-registration and Fees

(update 8/1/97)

The organizing committe of the next Association conference, to be held in Barcelona, Spain, September 22-27, 1997, has been busy preparing for the occasion. Everything is going on fine, and there are already 135 pre-registrations and 20 abstracts! At this moment events on schedule include 14 short courses and workshops, 4 keynote lectures, and 12 special sessions. Short courses and workshops will be presented in a separate brochure. If you are interested in getting it, please do not forget to send your pre-registration.

Keynote lectures:
1. Dr. John Aitchison - Krumbein Medal 1995:
"Compositional data analysis"

2. Dr. Georgy Bardossy: "Geomathematics as seen by a geologist
(Is there a bridge between geologists and geomathematicians?)"

3. Dr. Qiuming Cheng - President's Prize 1995:
"Fractal/multifractal modeling and spatial analysis"

4. Dr. Clayton Deutsch - Presidents Prize 1994:
"Constraining Geostatistical Models to Dynamic Flow-Related Data"

Technical sessions - topics and conveners:

1. Statistical analysis of compositional data in the earth sciences
Conveners: Vera Pawlowsky-Glahn & Zhou Di
Topics: methodological approaches to compositional data analysis; software suitable for compositional data analysis; application of new methodologies and case studies.

2. Different views of the Darss Sill data set
Conveners: John Davis & Jan Harff

3. Compositional data in petrophysics
Conveners: John Doveton & Dan Tetzlaff; Co-sponsors: SPWLA
Topics: reviews of compositional solution algorithms; assessment of multiple models; problems such as compositional colinearity, unrealistic composition values, spatial conti-nuity constraints, and logging tool errors, and the match (or mismatch) of mathematical optimality with geological reality.

4. Quantitative Methods in Environmental Geosciences
Andrea Fabbri; In cooperation with: COGEOENVIRONMENT
Topics: geologic setting as a context to environmental hazard and risk; environmental databases for assessment and prediction; environmental impact assessment and multicriteria decision aids; slope instability, seismic and volcanic hazard; aquifer and soil vulnerability to pollution; GIS and remote sensing in environmental applications; geostatistics and computer simulation in environmental analysis; landscape ecology and geochemistry, geomedicine.

5. Numerical methods in the earth sciences (26th Geochautauqua).
Conveners: Andrea Förster & Dan Merriam

6. Seismology, volcanism and geodynamical settings
Conveners: Antonella Buccianti & Alex Woronow;
In cooperation with GIAST (Group of Informatics Applied to Earth Sciences, C.N.R., Italy) Topics: seismology, geochemistry and petrology related to magmatism at constructive and destructive margins and to within plate magmatism; applied geophysics, integrated geophysical problems, earthquake and volcanology statistics and prediction; management of geophysical data, plate tectonics, application to the Mediterranean area; geodynamical settings, tectonic and magmatic discrimination diagrams; geochemical and petrological modeling: magmatic differentiation processes, mixing phenomena, contamination; compositional data analysis in geochemistry and petrology, methods and diagrams for rocks classification.

7. Developments in computer applications and software in the geosciences.
Convener: Eric Grunsky
Topics: recent developments in software for the geosciences; developments in computer based methods applied to the geosciences; application of computer based methods in the geosciences.

8. Neural networks, fractals and other concepts in fashion.
Conveners: Susanna Sirotinskaya & Frits Agterberg
Topics: neural networks versus multivariate statistics; fractals and estimation of fractal dimensions; multifractals and lacunarity analysis; wavelets in stratigraphy; Milankovitsch cycles and geological time-scale construction; unpredictability, randomness and chaos theory in geoscience.

9. Marine Geology.
Convener: Karl Stattegger & Bernd J. Haupt
Topics: evaluation of proxy-data: statistics, aerial and spatial distributions; trends and periodicities in the sedimentary record; numerical modeling in paleoceanography - large, medium, small scale; mass balancing: water and sediment; particle and sediment transport; modeling of the ocean-basin sediment fill.

10. Geostatistics.
Convener: Hans Wackernagel & Ana Fernandez-Militino
Topics: linear and multivariate geostatistics; geostatistical approaches to compositional data; non-linear geostatistics; non-stationary geostatistics; conditional simulations; space-time modelling; environmental geostatistics.

11. Modeling subsurface flow.
Convener: Jaime Gomez-Hernandez & Clayton V. Deutsch
Topics: aquifer/reservoir characterization; use of indirect information to improve subsurface flow modeling; upscaling; inverse modeling; uncertainty assesment in subsurface flow model predictions; case studies based on innovative applications in any of the previous topics.

12. Engeneering geology.
Conveners: Heinz Burger & Juan Jose Egozcue-Rubi
The organizing committee may reshape the program depending on the interest of the participants. Do not worry if your favorite subject is not included as a main topic. Any contribution related to mathematical geology passing the review of the Scientific Committee will have the right to be in the final program.

Interested contributors for oral, poster or software presentations should submit a one- page abstract of 200 to 400 words in English without figures or references before 31 January 1997. Contributions will be selected by peer review of the submitted abstracts by at least two referees. Only the extended abstracts of accepted contributions will be published. Notification of acceptance together with instructions for the camera-ready manuscript (maximum of four pages) will be mailed on 31 March 1997. The final, camera-ready copy will be due before 30 May 1997. Participants at the conference will receive a volume of extended abstracts. Following the conference, authors of selected papers will be invited to present an article to be published in a special volume. Abstracts can be submitted either by regular mail or by e-mail in ASCII or *.RTF format to the con- ference secretariat.

Everybody is encouraged to participate. For additional information, please contact the conference secretariat at the following address:

Barbara Schmitt
IAMG'97 Conference Secretariat
CIMNE - International Center for
Numerical Methods in Engineering
Campus Nord UPC (Edifici C1)
E-08034 Barcelona (SPAIN)
tel.: +34 - 3 - 401 60 37
fax.: +34 - 3 - 401 65 17
e-mail: iamg97@ma3.upc.es

Addressess of conveners:
Dr. Frits P. Agterberg
Energy, Mines and Resources Canada
601 Booth Street
Ottawa K1A 0E8 - Canada
tel.: +1-613-996 2374
fax.: +1-613-996 0473
e-mail: agterberg@gsc.NRCan.gc.ca

Dr. Antonella Buccianti
Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra
Universitá di Firenze
Via La Pira, 4
I - 50121 - Firenze
tel.: +39-55-275749
6 fax.: +39-55-284571
e-mail: Buccianti@cesit1.unifi.it

Dr. Heinz Burger
Institut fuer Geologie, Geophysik und Geoinformatik
Malteserstr. 74-100 (Haus D)
FUB - WE 01
D-12249 Berlin
tel.: +49-30-779 25 61
fax.: +49-30-775 20 75
e-mail: hburger@fub46.zedat.fu-berlin.de

Dr. John C. Davis
Kansas Geological Survey
Mathematical Geology Section
1930 Constant Ave., Campus West
Lawrence, Kansas 66047
tel.: +1-913-864-3965
fax.: +1-913-864 5317
e-mail: johndavis@pangaea.kgs.ukans.edu

Dr. Clayton V. Deutsch
Green Earth Sciences Research Building, Room 098
Department of Petroleum Engineering
Stanford, CA 94305-2220 - USA
tel: +1-415-723-4142
fax: +1-415-725-2099
e-mail: clayton@pangea.stanford.edu

Dr. John Doveton
Kansas Geological Survey
1930 Constant Ave., Campus West
Lawrence, Kansas 66047
tel.: +1-913-864-4991
fax.: +1-913-864-5317
e-mail: doveton@kgs.ukans.edu

Dr. Juan José Egozcue-Rubí
Universidad Politécnica de Cataluña
Departamento de Matemática Aplicada III
UPC-Campus Nord (módulo C2)
E-08034 Barcelona
tel.: +34-3-401 69 09
fax.: +34-3-401 65 04
e-mail: egozcue@etseccpb.upc.es

Dr. Andrea G. Fabbri
Hengelosestraat 99
7514 AE Enschede
tel.: +31-53-487 42 82
fax.: +31-53-487 43 36
e-mail: fabbri@itc.nl

Dr. Andrea Förster
GeoForschungsZentrum Potsdam
Telegrafenberg A3
D-14473 Potsdam
tel.: +49-331-288 1242
fax.: +49-331-288 1402
e-mail: for@gfz-potsdam.de

Dr. J. Jaime Gómez-Hernández
Departamento de Ingeniería Hidráulica
Escuela de Ingeniería de Caminos
Universidad Politécnica de Valencia
E-46071 Valencia
SPAIN tel.: +34-6-3879614
fax : +34-6-3877618
e-mail: jaime@dihma.upv.es

Dr. Eric Grunsky
1602-409 Granville St.
Vancouver, B.C.
tel.: +1-604-681-9770
e-mail: ericg@pro.net

Dr. Bernd J. Haupt
Universität Kiel
Sonderforschungsbereich 313
Heinrich-Hecht-Platz 10
D-24118 Kiel
Tel.: +49-0431 880-2345
Fax: +49-0431 880-1569
e-mail: bernd@sfb313.uni-kiel.de

Dr. Jan Harff
Institut für Ostseeforschung Warnemünde
Universität Rostock
Seestrasse 15
D-18119 Rostock-Warnemünde
tel.: +49-381-51 97 350
fax.: +49-381-51 97 4836
e-mail: jan.harff@io-warnemuende.de

Dr. Ana Fernández-Militino
Departamento de Estadística e Invest. Operativa
Universidad Pública de Navarra
Campus Arrosadía
E-31006 Pamplona (Navarra)
voice: +34-48-169206 or 34-48-169190
fax: +34-48-169204
e-mail: militino@upna.es

Dr. Dan Merriam
Kansas Geological Survey
The University of Kansas
1930 Constant Ave., Campus West
Lawrence, Kansas 66047
tel.: +1-913-864-3965
fax.: +1-913-864-5317
e-mail: dan_merriam@msmail.kgs.ukans.edu

Dr. Vera Pawlowsky-Glahn
Universidad Politécnica de Cataluña
Departamento de Matemática Aplicada III
UPC-Campus Nord (modulo C2)
E-08034 Barcelona
tel.: +34-3-401 69 17
fax.: +34-3-401 65 04
e-mail: pawlowsky@etseccpb.upc.es

Dr. Susanna V. Sirotinskaya
Profsoyusnaya 138, ap. 64
117321 Moscow, Russia
tel.: +095-711 46 56
fax.: +095-292 65
e-mail: mts6@mts6.mmtel.msk.su

Dr. Karl Stattegger
Universität Kiel
Geologisch-Paleontologisches Institut
Olshausenstrasse 40
11 SIROT, box 335
D-24105 Kiel
tel.: +49-431 880 2881
fax: +49-431 880 4376
e-mail: kstattegger@zaphod.gpi.uni-kiel.de

Dr. Dan Tetzlaff
Western Atlas
Houston, Texas 77042
tel.: +1-713-972-5435
fax.: +1-713-972-4855
e-mail: dan.tetzlaff@houston.aws.waii.com

Dr. Hans Wackernagel
Céntre de Geostatistique
Ecole des Mines de Paris
35 rue Saint Honoré
F - 77305 Fontainebleau
tel: +33 -
fax: +33 -
e-mail: hans@cg.ensmp.fr

Dr. Alex Woronow
Exxon Production Research Co.
PO Box 2189
Houston, TX 77252-2189
tel.: +1-713-956-4263
fax.: +1-713-966-6115
e-mail: Alex.Woronow@EXXON.sprint.com

Dr. Zhou Di
South China Sea Institute of Oceanology
Chinese Academy of Sciences
164 West Xingang Road
Guangzhou 510301 - China
tel.: +86-20-445 13 35
fax.: +86-20-445 16 72
e-mail: itnhlib@scut.edu.cn