Derek Elsworth
231 Hosler Building
University Park
PA 16802-5000

+1.814.865.2225 voice
+1.814.865.3248 fax

Publications and Google-scholar

Derek Elsworth is G. Albert Shoemaker Chair and Professor of Energy and Mineral Engineering and Geosciences at Penn State. He is co-founder of the Center for Geomechanics, Geofluids, and Geohazards. His interests are in the areas of computational mechanics, rock mechanics, and in the mechanical and transport characteristics of fractured rocks, with application to geothermal energy, the deep geological sequestration of radioactive wastes and of CO2, unconventional hydrocarbons including coal-gas, tight-gas-shales and hydrates, and instability and eruption dynamics of volcanoes.


For current opportunities see the Center for Geomechanics, Geofluids, and Geohazards



Fluid Mechanics [EME 303]  
Energy and Society: Energy Choices for the New Millennium [EMSc 470W - 2000]
Energy and Society: Industrial Revolution to Industrial Ecology [EMSc 470W - 2003]
Energy, Environment and Society: The "Energy" New Deal - Down Under [EMSc 470W - 2013]
Sustainable Energy in Scandinavia: One Region, Many Choices [EMSc 470W - 2015]
Sustainable Energy in New Zealand [EGEE 497] Flyer News Video
Contaminant Hydrology [ EnvSE 408]
Geothermal Energy Engineering [ EME 497]
Engineering Physics of Energy and Geo-Environmental Systems [EGEE 500]

Mathematical Modeling of Energy and Mineral Engineering Systems [EME 521]

Computational Geomechanics [GeoEE 557]

Poromechanics [GeoEE 559] Book

Geomechanics Seminar [Fa 2015] [Sp 2016] [Sp 2017] [Fa 2017]

Short Courses

Computational Reservoir Geomechanics KIGAM-15 UPC-18 SDU-19 CUP-19 UPC-20 NEU-22&24

Poromechanics of Porous and Fractured Reservoirs [Outline] Course Resources Page

Principles of Unconventional Gas Extraction CUP-2019

Design Projects

Graduate - Design Engineering in Energy and Geo-Environmental Systems [EGEE 580]

Graduate/Undergraduate - NREL National Student Geothermal Competition[Report][Presentation]


Publications - Single copies for personal use

Books - Poromechanics

Edited Books - DCRocks - Beijing CO2


Richard E. Goodman Geological Engineering Symposium - 2015

Areas of Interest and Public Links

DUSEL - BGE Science at DUSEL
Yucca Mountain - Near-field and altered-zone processes - Expert Elicitation
Yucca Mountain - Consequences of Igneous Intrusion - NWTRB & ACNW
Underground Science Labs - EarthLab and  NSF-ARMA Workshop
Enhanced/Engineered Geothermal Systems - ARMA Report
Volcano Dynamics - Flank and Dome Collapse [BBC MegaTsunami]

Volcano Dynamics - Deep conduit processes - CALIPSO & CALIPSOKids
Volcano Dynamics - Flank & Dome Collapse
Dissolution/precipitation mechanics
Enhanced/Engineered Geothermal Systems
In situ Testing - uCPT and PUPPI

BBC - BBC WorldService - NY Times
NSF - Fastlane
PSU Libraries

PERSONAL - protected
