Dr William M. Frank




Department of Meteorology


Professor, Tropical Meteorology


Research interests.

Teaching interests.

Recent publications.

Rogues Gallery




Tropical Sources

Tropical Links


Research Interests

Tropical meteorology, tropical cyclones, convective weather systems, cumulus parameterization.

My research combines observational analysis and numerical simulations to explore how tropical weather systems work.  Current research projects are examining:

(I) Effects of large-scale flow on hurricane core structure.

(ii) The effects of tropical waves on weather and climate.

(iii) The generation of cirrus anvils from tropical convection (CRYSTAL).

(iv)Techniques for modeling convective weather systems at very high resolution.

Students and colleagues involved in this research include:

Professor Elizabeth A. Ritchie, University of New Mexico

Paul Roundy, PhD student, Penn State U.

Young Kwon, PhD student, Penn State U.

Katie Davison, MS student, Penn State U.

For other colleagues and collaborators, see the "Rogues Gallery" below. ,

Links to Course Pages

Tropical Meteorology
Meteo 452/597C
Fall 2003




Atmospheric Convection
(Meteo 538)
Spring 2003

Tropical Meteorology
(Meteo 452/597C)
Fall 2003

Atmospheric Phenomena
Meteo 597B

Survey of Atmospheric Science
Meteo 300
Fall 2002





Some Recent Papers

Roundy, P. E., and W. M. Frank, 2002:  Effects of low-frequency wave interactions on the intraseasonal oscillations.  Submitted to: J. Atmos. Sci.


Roundy, P. E., and W. M. Frank, 2002:  Observations of a group velocity associated with the Madden-Julian Oscillation.  Submitted to: J. Atmos. Sci.


Frank, W. M., and E. A. Ritchie, 2001:  Effects of vertical wind shear on the intensity and structure of numerically simulated hurricanes.  Mon. Wea. Rev., 129, 2249-2269.

Frank, W. M., and E. A. Ritchie, 1999: Effects of environmental flow upon tropical cyclone structure.  Mon. Wea. Rev., 127, 2044-2061.

McBride, J. L., and W. M. Frank, 1999: Relationships between stability and monsoon convection. J. Atmos. Sci., 56, 24-36.

Qian, L., G. S. Young and W. M. Frank, 1998: A convective wake parameterization scheme for use in general circulation models. Mon. Wea. Rev., 126, 456-469.

Briegel, L. M. and W. M. Frank, 1997: Large-scale forcing of tropical cyclogenesis in the Western South Pacific. Mon. Wea. Rev., 125, 1397-1413.

Fraedrich, K., J. L. McBride, W. M. Frank and R. Wang, 1997: Extended EOF analysis of tropical disturbances. J. Atmos. Sci., 54, 2363-2372.

Frank, W. M., H. Wang and J. L. McBride, 1996: Rawinsonde budget analyses during the TOGA-COARE IOP. J. Atmos. Sci., 53, 1761-1780.

More Publications

Rogues Gallery






Address: Dr William M. Frank
503 Walker Building,
University Park PA 16802.
Phone: (814) 865-0470
Fax: (814) 865-3663

Send email to: (frank@ems.psu.edu)

Last Updated: 01 August 1, 2002