News from the Macalady Lab
\\ Macalady lab welcomes undergraduate researcher and caver Emma Enos!
\\ Macalady lab welcomes new Ph.D. student Dani Buchheister, who arrived Fall 2022!
\\ Macalady Lab is pleased to welcome new Ph.D. student Shavonne Morin, arriving Fall 2021. Welcome Shavonne!
\\ The Macalady Lab is seeking applicants for a postdoctoral research position with a start date between Sept-Dec 2021. Members of underrepresented groups including women are encouraged to apply. Fieldwork optional. DM or email for details.
\\ Macalady Lab is pleased to welcome new Ph.D. student Roger Ort, arriving Fall 2021. Welcome Roger!
\\ Kudos to our Amend Lab collaborators for a provocative prediction in print! Amend, J. P. et al. (2020). A novel sulfur catabolism ‘missing in nature’. Environmental Microbiology 22(6), 1971-1976.
\\ Diana's first of several forthcoming publications revealing microbial behavior in extreme AMD pit lakes, congratulations and we can't wait to see the next ones! Ayala-Muñoz, D. et al. (2020). Metagenomic and metatranscriptomic study of microbial metal resistance in an acidic pit lake. Microorganisms 8(9), 1350.
\\ Science writer Amanda Paulson profiles Macalady for the Christian Science Monitor "Cave diving, microbes, and slime: A love story"
\\ Congrats to Christy and the other ABIOL 570 Field Course participants on publishing a first gene-enabled look at an extreme AMD pit lake! Grettenberger, C. L. et al. (2020). Microbial population structure in a stratified, acidic pit lake in the Iberian Pyrite Belt. Geomicrobiology Journal 37(7), 623-634.
\\ Our collaborator Judith Klatt has a new publication, congratulations Judith! Klatt, J. M. et al. (2020). Versatile cyanobacteria control the timing and extent of sulfide production in a Proterozoic analog microbial mat. ISME Journal 14, 3024–3037.
\\ Science & tech journalist Donna Lu wrote a beautiful story about Heidi's research for New Scientist (London), published 16 Nov 2019!
\\ Congratulations Chrissy Nims and Julie Cosmidis, this new method will be a great tool for the geochemistry and geomicrobiology community. Nims, C. et al. (2019). Low frequency Raman Spectroscopy for micron-scale and in-vivo characterization of elemental sulfur in microbial samples. Scientific Reports 9(7971).
\\ Claire was a 2019 recipient of the Chateaubriand STEM Fellowship to work at the Institut de Minéralogie, de Physique des Matériaux et de Cosmochimie at Sorbonne Université.