Archean Eon
(3.8 to 2.5 billion years ago) - The carbon, hydrogen, oxygen,
nitrogen, phosphorus, and sulfur necessary to produce life are
among the most abundant elements in the solar system and all were
present during the beginning of life. During this time evolved
the first organelles which are bodies of complex molecules
capable of performing specific functions.
Four essential components of life:
Proteins - simple organic molecules which act as building materials
Nucleic acids - function in the transfer of genetic characteristics and in protein synthesis.
Organic phosphorous compounds - serve to transform light or chemical fuel into the energy required for cell activities.
Cell membrane
- isolates a chemical system within the cell and keeps the various
components in close proximity so that they can interact.
Earliest organisms originated in the sea:
- contains salts needed for health and growth
- ocean waters serve as universal solvents for a variety of organic compounds
- ocean currents ceaselessly circulate
and mix
Life originated before there were organisms
to cause decay and before there was sufficient free oxygen to
be troublesome.
- The first living things were microscopic in size and unicellular.
They would not have evolved a means of manufacturing their own
food but rather they would assimilate small aggregates of organic
molecules present in the surrounding medium. Fermentation
- a process by which organisms are able to disassemble organic
molecules, rearrange their parts, and derive energy for life functions.
Yeast is a heterotroph.
- a scarcity of food for heterotrophs favored the evolution of
organisms which were able to manufacture their own food from inorganic
substances. Sources of inorganic energy included carbon dioxide,
hydrogen sulfide, and ammonia.
Photoautotrophs -
had the capability of dissociating carbon dioxide into carbon
and free oxygen. The carbon was then combined with other elements
to permit growth. With the multiplication of the photoautotrophs,
billions and billions of tiny living oxygen generators began to
change the primeval nonoxygenic atmosphere to an oxygenic one.
- the oldest evidence for fossil life dates prior to 3.5 billion
years ago. These organisms lack definite membrane-bounded organelles
and membrane-bounded nucleus with genetic material but they are
capable of photosynthesis. These organisms are single cells rarely
exceeding 20 microns in diameter. Modern examples are cyanobacteria.
Stromatolites are laminar organic sedimentary structures
formed by matlike colonies of cyanobacteria.
- organisms with definite nuclear wall, well-defined chromosomes,
and the capacity for sexual reproduction. Theses are usually
larger than 60 microns in diameter. Biologists believe that the
organelles in eukaryotic cells were once independent microorganisms
that entered other cells and then established symbiotic relationships.
Proterozoic Eon
(2.5 to 0.57 billion
years ago) - the expansion of eukaryotes began about 1.4 billion
years ago. This is a period of bacteria, algae, and fungi.
- the most animal-like of the unicellular eukaryotes. Amoebas
are living examples of protozoans. These evolved during the expansion
of the eukaryotes.
- multicellular animals that possess more than one kind of cell
and have their cells organized into tissues and organs. These
organisms started evolving about 900 million years ago. Modern
examples are jellyfish, flat worms, and annelid worms. Rocks
of about this age contain the first calcium carbonate shell bearing
Phanerozoic Eon
( 570 million years ago to present) - The Cambrian is marked
by the spread of shell-building brachiopods and trilobites.
Invasion of the lands
- Vascular plants have tubes and vessels that convey fluids from
one part of the plant to another. Psilophytes - the first
vasular plants are found in the middle Silurian. There were three
major advances in the evolution of land plants involving the development
of an increasingly more effective reproductive system:
First were the seedless, spore bearing plants such as ferns found in the great coal-forming swamps of the Carboniferous. These plants evolved in the Devonian.
Second were the seed-producing, pollinating but nonflowering plants (gymnosperms of the Late Paleozoic).
Third were the plants with both seeds
and flowers (the angiosperms of the Mesozoic Era).
Important Paleozoic Phylum: Corals,
Bryozoa, Brachiopods, Mollusks, Arthropods, Echinoderms, Graptolites.
(Continental invertebrates emerge during the Devonian).
Vertebrate animals of the Paleozoic:
Jawless fish appear in the Upper Cambrian. Ostracoderms
were mud-straining or filter-feeding fish. Placoderms
were Silurian fish with jaws and plates for skin. Lungfish
has evolved by the Devonain. By Mississippian time, Amphibians
had started to emerge. Reptiles are found by Early Pennsylvanian.
Vertebrates of the Mesozoic
included Reptiles and Birds with a few small mammals starting
to evolve.
The Cenozoic is the age of Mammals