Yoo, P., G.S. Jung, M.R. Ryder, F. Vautard, E. Cakmak, S. Wi, M.C. Weisenberger, E. Lara-Curzio, J.P. Mathews, and S. Irle, Large-scale atomistic model construction of subbituminous and bituminous coals for solvent extraction simulations with reactive molecular dynamicsCarbon, 202422210.1016/j.carbon.2024.118939
Sierra-Jimenez, V., J.P. Mathews, P. Yoo, A. Budai, F. Chejne, A. Dufour, and M. Garcia-Perez, Biochar data into structure: A methodology for generating large-scale atomistic representationsCarbon, 2024,22810.1016/j.carbon.2024.119391
Cakmak, E., J.P. Mathews, S. Wi, M.R. Ryder, M. Chacón-Patiño, A.M. McKenna, F. Vautard, M. Arnould, H. Meyer, and E. Lara-Curzio, Detailed characterization of vitrinite-rich subbituminous and bituminous coals for utilization in carbon fiber precursor productionEnergy & Fuels, 2024,38(8)6774-678910.1021/acs.energyfuels.3c05200
Sierra-Jimenez, V., J.P. Mathews, F. Chejne, A. Dufour, and M. Garcia-Perez, Atomistic modeling of lignocellulosic and carbonaceous fuels and their pyrolysis reactions: A reviewEnergy & Fuels, 202337(23)18408-1844010.1021/acs.energyfuels.3c02901
Cakmak, E., J.C. Hower, J.P. Mathews, M.C. Weisenberger, R. Kaplan, J. Lacy, Y.X. Zhang, and E. Lara-Curzio, Microstructural diversity and digestion yields of select bituminous and subbituminous coals as raw material candidates for carbon fiber precursor productionFuel, 2023348ARTN 128545 10.1016/j.fuel.2023.128545
Yuan L, Liu Q, Li K, Quan Y, Li X, Mathews JP, The evolution of coal, examining the transitions from anthracite to natural graphite: a spectroscopy and optical microscopy evaluation, Frontiers of Earth Science 2022, Doi: 10.1007/s11707-021-0967-4
Yu S, Bo J, Vandeginste V, Mathews JP, Deformation-related coalification: Significance for deformation within shallow crust, International Journal of Coal Geology 2022;256, Doi: 10.1016/j.coal.2022.103999
Du Y, Wang C, Che D, Mathews JP, The influence of char particle morphology on char burnout behavior by atomistic simulation, Fuel 2022;314, Doi: 10.1016/j.fuel.2022.123129
Cakmak E, Annamraju A, Mathews JP, He L, Gallego N, Lara-Curzio E, Characterization of porosity and pore accessibility of vitrinite-rich bituminous and subbituminous coals by small-angle neutron scattering, mercury intrusion porosimetry, and low-pressure N2 adsorption, Energy & Fuels 2022, Doi: 10.1021/acs.energyfuels.2c02814
Zhang Y, Hu S, Zhong Q, Zhuo J, Mathews JP, A large-scale molecular model of Fenghuangshan anthracite coal, Fuel 2021;295, Doi: 10.1016/j.fuel.2021.120616
Yuan L, Liu Q, Mathews JP, Zhang H, Wu Y, Quantifying the structural transitions of Chinese coal to coal-derived natural graphite by XRD, Raman spectroscopy, and HRTEM image analyses, Energy & Fuels 2021;35(3):2335-46, Doi: 10.1021/acs.energyfuels.0c04019
Wang X, Zhu Y, Chen S, Dai X, Xu Q, Song Y, et al., Molecular structure evaluation and image-guided atomistic representation of marine kerogen from Longmaxi Shale, Energy & Fuels 2021;35(9):7981-92, Doi: 10.1021/acs.energyfuels.1c00771
Li W, Song Y, Yang W, Mathews JP, Structural transformations for a subbituminous coal, impact of temperature on gold-tube pyrolysis chars evaluated using HRTEM, Fuel 2021;311, Doi: 10.1016/j.fuel.2021.122581
Chen S, Tang D, Tao S, Liu P, Mathews JP, Implications of the in situ stress distribution for coalbed methane zonation and hydraulic fracturing in multiple seams, western Guizhou, China, Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 2021;204, Doi: 10.1016/j.petrol.2021.108755
Chang, Q. H.; Gao, R.; Gao, M.; Yu, G. S.; Mathews, J. P.; Wang, F. C., Experimental analysis of the evolution of soot structure during CO2 gasification. Fuel 2020, 265.
Liu, Y.; Xu, H.; Tang, D.; Xu, F.; Mathews, J. P.; Hou, W.; Yan, X.; Ding, F., Coalbed methane production of a heterogeneous reservoir in the Ordos Basin, China. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering 2020, 82.
Song, Y.; Jiang, B.; Li, M.; Hou, C.; Mathews, J. P., Macromolecular transformations for tectonically-deformed high volatile bituminous via HRTEM and XRD analyses. Fuel 2020, 263.
Wang, X.; Zhu, Y.; Song, Y.; Mathews, J. P., Structure and partial ordering of terrestrial kerogen: Insight from high-resolution transmission electron microscopy. Fuel 2020, 281.
Zhong, Q.; Zhang, Y.; Shabnan, S.; Mao, Q.; Xiao, J.; Van Duin, A. C. T.; Mathews, J. P., ReaxFF MD simulations of petroleum coke CO2 gasification examining the S/N removal mechanisms and CO/CO2 reactivity. Fuel 2019, 257
Binner, E.; Lester, E.; Kingman, S.; Dodds, C.; Robinson, J.; Wu, T.; Wardle, P.; Mathews, J. P., A review of microwave coal processing. Journal of Microwave Power and Electromagnetic Energy 2014, 48, (1), 35-60.
Kumar, H.; Lester, E.; Kingman, S.; Avila, C.; Jones, A.; Robinson, J.; Halleck, P. M.; Mathews, J. P., Inducing fractures and increasing cleat apertures in bituminous coal under isostatic stress via application of microwave energy. International Journal of Coal Geology2011, 88, (1), 75-82.
Acharya, M.; Strano, M. S.; Mathews, J. P.; Billinge, J. L.; Petkov, V.; Subramoney, S.; Foley, H. C., Simulation of nanoporous carbons: a chemically constrained structure. Philosophical Magazine B-Physics of Condensed Matter Statistical Mechanics Electronic Optical and Magnetic Properties 1999, 79, (10), 1499-1518.
Otis, C., Reforestation and afforestation may aid high density, low emission energy production In reducing CO2 and slowing climate change. 2022, Masters of Geographic Information Systems, The Pennsylvania State University
Sagzhanov, D., 3D discrete fracture network for cleat-scale modeling of dynamic coal behavior, in Energy and Mineral Engineering (Mining option). 2019, The Pennsylvania State University.
Thanasattayaviboon, B. Porosity, morphology, and structural transformation of bituminous coal char conversion under pore diffusion limitation: A comparison of CO2 gasification conversion and burnout in oxy‐fuel combustion. MS Thesis, John and Willie Leone Family Department of Energy and Mineral Engineering, The Pennsylvania State University, 2016.
Louw, E. Structure and combustion reactivity of inertinite-rich and vitrinite-rich South African coal chars: quantification of the structural factors contributing to reactivity differences. Ph.D., John and Willie Leone Family Department of Energy and Mineral Engineering, The Pennsylvania State University, 2013.
Castro-Marcano F. Improved generation of large-scale atomistic representations and pyrolysis/combustion simulations of Illinois coal and char using the ReaxFF reactive force field. Ph.D. Thesis, John and Willie Leone Family Department of Energy and Mineral Engineering, The Pennsylvania State University, 2012.
Cetiner, R. Fragmentation of coal and improved dispersion of liquefaction catalysts using ionic liquids. M.S. Thesis in John and Willie Leone Family Department of Energy and Mineral Engineering. The Pennsylvania State University, 2011.
Alvarez, Y. E., Development of a reactive coarse-graining approach for the utility enhancement of complex large-scale molecular models of coal, M.S. Thesis in Energy and Mineral Engineering. 2011, The Pennsylvania State University: State College, PA.
Kumar, H. Inducing fractures and cleat aperture enhancement in bituminous coal via the application of microwave energy applied under hydrostatic stress conditions. M.S. Thesis in Energy and Mineral Engineering The Pennsylvania State University, 2010.
Ferdandez-Alos, V. Improved molecular model generation from soots, chars, and coals: HRTEM lattice fringes reproduction with Fringe3D. M.S. Thesis in Energy and Geo-Environmental Engineering, The Pennsylvania State University, 2010.
Pone, J. D. N. Carbon dioxide sequestration in coal: characterization of matrix deformation, sorption capacity and dynamic permeability at in-situ stress conditions. Ph.D. in Energy and Geo-Environmental Engineering, The Pennsylvania State University, 2009.
Van Niekerk, D., Structural elucidation, molecular representation and solvent interactions of vitrinite-rich and inertinite-rich South African coals, 2008, Ph.D. in Energy and Geo-Environmental Engineering,The Pennsylvania State University.
Hile, M., CO2 sorption by Pittsburgh-seam coal subjected to confining pressure, 2006, MS Thesis n Energy and Geo-Environmental Engineering, The Pennsylvania
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Narkiewicz, M. R., Carbon dioxide sequestration in low-volatile bituminous coal molecular representations, 2005, MS Thesis n Energy and Geo-Environmental Engineering, The Pennsylvania State University.
Rempel, J., Halverson, J., Burket, C., Strano, M. S., Mathews, J. P. and Foley, H. C., Structural Modeling of Nanoporous Carbon: A Review of Approaches to Simulating an Aperiodic
and Non-Equilibrium Solid, in From Semiconductors to Proteins: Beyond the Average Structure, a volume in the Fundamental Materials Research Series, Thorpe, M. W. and Billinge, S. J., 2001, Klewer, New York,
Mathews, J. P., Following the changes in the constitution of rapidly-heated bituminous vitrinites, 1998, Ph.D. Thesis in Fuel Science, The Pennsylvania State University.
Hatcher, P. G., Faulon, J.-L., Clifford, D. J. and Mathews, J. P., A three-dimensional structural model for Humic Acids from oxidized soil, in Humic substances in the global
environment and implications on human health, Senesi, N. and Miano, T. M., 1994, Elsevier Science, B. V., 133.
Conference Papers
Zhu, W.; Wang, C.; Vander Wal, R.; Mathews, J. P., A 2D fingerprinting approach for strutural visualization of complex 3D soot atomistic representations. In The World Conference on Carbon, State College, PA, 2016; pp 1-3.
Xin, H.; Huang, C.-H.; Mathews, J. P., An exploration of char reactivity capturing temperature effects within a simplistic but large-scale atomistic simulation. In The World Conference on Carbon, State College, PA, 2016; pp 1-3.
Wang, C.; T., H.; Huang, C.-H.; Vander Wal, R. L.; Lester, E.; Mathews, J. P., Improved curvature analysis for HRTEM lattice fringes applied to soot. In The World Conference on Carbon, State College, PA, 2016; pp 1-4.
Thanasattayaviboon, B.; Mathews, J. P., Porosity and morphology transformations of Pittsburgh no. 8 coal char in CO2 gasification under pore diffusion limitation. In The World Conference on Carbon, State College, PA, 2016; pp 1-4.
Huang, Y.; Cannon, F. S.; Gao, J.; Watson, J. K.; Mathews, J. P., Atomistic modeling insight into the structure of lignite-based activated carbon, and behavior of benzene sorption. In The World Conference on Carbon, State College, PA, 2016.
Xin, H. H.; Wang, C.; Wang, D.; Mathews, J. P., Examination of changing char reactivity with isothermal oxy-fuel combustion by a simplified atomistic simulation. In International Pittsburgh Coal Conference, Pittsburgh, USA, 2015; pp 1-7.
Xin, H. H.; Wang, C.; Wang, D.; Mathews, J. P., Simplified atomistic simulation of coal char oxy-combustion: sensitivity analysis for reaction distance and factors influencing oxygen penetration. In International Conference on Coal Science and Technology, Melbourne, Australia, 2015; pp 1-4.
Xin, H.; Wang, C.; Louw, E.; Watson, J. K.; Mathews, J. P. In Coal char atomistic exploration of oxy-combustion reactivity, 8th International Conference on Coal Combustion, Beijing, China, 2015; Beijing, China, 2015; pp 1-3.
Mathews, J. P.; Huddle, T.; Wang, C.; Lester, E., Quantifying curvature in coal HRTEM lattice fringe micrographs. In International Conference on Coal Science and Technology, Melbourne, Australia, 2015.
Mathews, J. P. In Plenary Lecture and paper: The structure and behavior of coals and chars via atomistic simulations of pyrolysis and combustion, 8th International Conference on Coal Combustion, Beijing, China, 2015; Beijing, China, 2015; pp 1-5.
Winans, R. E.; Seifert, S.; Calo, M. J.; Mathews, J. P.; Gilbert, K.; Wang, J.; Lock, D., Characterization of coal porosity and gas-solid interfaces by SAXS, International Conference on Coal Science & Technology, 2013, The Pennsylvania State University, PA, USA, 889-95<
Roberts, M. J.; Everson, R. C.; Neomagus, H. W. J. P.; Van Sitter, C. G. C. E.; Van Niekerk, D.; Mathews, J. P., The molecular structure of selected South African coal-chars to elucidate fundamental principles of the reaction between char and carbon dioxide, International Conference on Coal Science & Technology, 2013, The Pennsylvania State University, PA, USA, 91-103
Ramachandran, V.; Castro-Marcano, F.; Van Niekerk, D.; Ferdandez-Alos, V.; Alvares Rojas, Y. E.; Pou, J. O.; Watson, J. K.; Mathews, J. P., Construction, structural evaluation, and exploring chemical transformations of coal molecular models using scripting, International Conference on Coal Science & Technology, 2013, The Pennsylvania State University, PA, USA, 1015-26
Mitchell, G. D.; Mathews, J. P., Penn State’s Coal Repository: Penn State and Argonne Premium Coal Sample Bank & Database, International Conference on Coal Science & Technology, 2013, The Pennsylvania State University, PA, USA, 1122-32
Louw, E.; Watson, J. K.; Mathews, J. P., Evaluating combustion reactivity of large-scale molecular coal char models with control over structural features, International Conference on Coal Science & Technology, 2013, The Pennsylvania State University, PA, USA, 569-76
Kumar, H.; Elsworth, D.; Mathews, J. P., Evaluation of the role of coal softening on permeability for a sand propped fracture, International Conference on Coal Science & Technology, 2013, The Pennsylvania State University, PA, USA, 1485-91
Campbell, Q. P.; Viljoen, J.; le Roux, M.; Mathews, J. P., Following coal processes using micro focus X-ray computed tomography, International Conference on Coal Science & Technology, 2013, The Pennsylvania State University, PA, USA, 881-8
Mathews JP, Winans RE, Rodgers R, Sharma A, Advances in coal analysis and simulation 1989-2012, International Pittsburgh Coal Conference, 2012, Pittsburgh, PA, USA, 1-11
Mathews JP, Song C, Finkelman R. B, Yue W, Chinese coal-in-title journal articles in Chinese and English, International Pittsburgh Coal Conference, 2012, Pittsburgh, PA, USA, 1-15
Kumar H, Elsworth D, Mathews JP, Liu J, Pone D, The dynamic permeability of propped and non-propped artificial fracture in granite and bituminous coal with changes in effective stress, International Pittsburgh Coal Conference, 2012, Pittsburgh, PA, USA, 1-9
Castro-Marcano F, van Duin ACT, Mathews JP, ReaxFF molecular dynamics pyrolysis simulation of a large-scale molecular model of Illinois no. 6 coal including the role of organic sulfur, International Pittsburgh Coal Conference, 2012, Pittsburgh, PA, USA,
Alvarez, Y. E.; Watson, J. C. K.; Pou, J. O.; Castro-Marcano, F.; Mathews, J. P., Visualizing the macromolecular network structure of a large-scale (50,000 atom) Illinois No. 6 coal bituminous molecular representation in 3D and 2D lattice views, International Conference on Coal Science & Technology, 2011, Oviedo, Spain.
Mathews, J. P.; Alvarez, Y. E.; Winans, R. E., An analysis of the research performed with the Argonne Premium Coals and its contribution to coal science, International Conference on Coal Science & Technology, 2011, Oviedo, Spain.
Winans, R. E.; Seifert, S.; Locke, D.; Chupas, P.; Chapman, K.; Narkiewicz, M. R.; Mathews, J. P.; Calo, J., Porosity and gas absorption of coals studied by X-ray scattering and modeling, International Conference on Coal Science & Technology, 2011, Oviedo, Spain.
Mathews, J. P.; Miller, B. G.; Song, C. S.; Schobert, H. H.; Botha, F.; Finkelman, R. B.; Chaffee, A., The current state of affairs of coal research in the United Kingdom, Germany, Australia, and South Africa, International Conference on Coal Science and Technology, 2011, Oviedo, Spain.
Mathews, J. P.; Miller, B.; Song, C. S.; Schobert, H. H.; Botha, F.; Finkelman, R. B., The current state of affairs of coal research in U.S. Universities, International Conference on Coal Science and Technology, 2011, Oviedo, Spain.
Castro-Marcano, F.; Winans, R. E.; Seifert, S.; Locke, D.; Chupas, P.; Chapman, K.; Calo, J. M.; Mathews, J. P., Fine structure evaluation of the pair correlation function with molecular “slice” models of the Argonne Premium coals, International Pittsburgh Coal Conference, 2011, Pittsburgh, PA.
Louw, E.; Mitchell, G. D.; Mathews, J. P., Morphologies, X-ray parameters, and burnout comparisons of inertinite-rich and vitrinite-rich South African bituminous coal derived chars, International Pittsburgh Coal Conference, 2011, Pittsburgh, PA.
Mathews, J. P.; Krishnamoorthy, V.; Louw, E.; Tchapda, A. H. N.; Castro-Marcano, F.; Karri, V.; Alexis, D. A.; Mitchell, G. D., Coal, it is elementary my dear Watson, International Pittsburgh Coal Conference, 2011, Pittsburgh, PA.
Castro-Marcano, F.; Kamat, A. M.; Russo, M. F.; van Duin, A.; Mathews, J. P., ReaxFF molecular dynamics oxidation simulation of Illiinois No. 6 coal char Prepr. Pap.-Am. Chem. Soc., Div. Fuel Chem., 2011, Denver, CO, 56, 276-8
Mathews, J. P.; Castro-Marcano, F.; Ferdandez-Alos, V.; Watson, J. K.; Alvarez, Y. E.; Van Niekerk, D.; Kamat, A. M.; Russo, M. F.; van Duin, A., Breaking the barriers: accurate large-scale molecular representations of coal (or other carbonaceous structures) with relative ease and their use with reactive simulations, Prepr. Pap.-Am. Chem. Soc., Div. Fuel Chem., 2011, Denver, CO, 54, 295-7
Alvarez, Y. E.; Moreno, B. M.; Klein, M. T.; Watson, J. K.; Mathews, J. P., Network decomposition modeling in coal-specific lattices, Prepr. Pap.-Am. Chem. Soc., Div. Fuel Chem., 2011, Denver, CO, 54, 285-7
Elsworth, D.; Wang, S.; Izadi, G.; Kumar, H.; Liu, J.; Lee, D.-S.; Mathews, J. P.; Pone, D., Complex process couplings in systems pushed far from equilibrium: applications to carbon dioxide sequestration in carboniferous formations [Plenary], Proc. Workshop on CO2 Storage in Carboniferous Formations and Abandoned Mines, 2011, China University of Mining and Technology, Beijing
Alvarez, Y. E.; Watson, J. K. W.; Mathews, J. P., Improving the utility of large-scale coal molecular models by simplifying the view: 3D models to reactive lattice grids, Prepr. Pap.-Am Chem. Soc, Div. Fuel Chem., 2010, Boston, MA, Aug. 22-26, 55, 382-3,
Kumar, H.; Lester, E.; Kingman, S.; Avila, C.; Jones, A.; Robinson, J.; Halleck, P. M.; Mathews, J. P., Inducing fractures and increasing cleat apertures in bituminous coal (under hydrostatic stress conditions) via application of microwave energy International Coalbed & Shale Gas Symposium, Tuscaloosa, Alabama, (2010), 1-11
Painter, P.; Pulati, N.; Cetiner, R.; Sobkowiak, M.; Mitchell, G. D.; Mathews, J. P., Dissolution and dispersion of coal in ionic liquids. Prepr. Pap.-Am. Chem. Soc., Div. Fuel Chem., 2010; Vol. 55, pp 19-20.
Van Niekerk, D.; Mathews, J. P., Molecular dynamics simulation of coal-solvent interactions in Permian-aged South African coals. International Conference on Coal Science & Technology, Cape Town, South Africa, 2009.
Pone, J. D. N.; Halleck, P. M.; Mathews, J. P., Methane and carbon dioxide sorption and transportation rates in coal at in-situ conditions. Energy Procedia 2009, 1, 3121-3128.
Mathews, J. P.; van Duin, A.; Chaffee, A., The utility of coal molecular models. International Conference on Coal Science & Technology, Cape Town, South Africa, 2009
Mathews, J. P.; Pone, J. D. N.; Mitchell, G. D.; Halleck, P., High-resolution X-ray computed tomography observations of the thermal drying of lump-sized subbituminous coal. In International Conference on Coal Science & Technology, Cape Town, South Africa, 2009.
Kumar, H.; Pone, J. D. N.; Mitchell, G. D.; Halleck, P. M.; Mathews, J. P. Lithotype influences on (an idealized) coal cleat surface deformation by carbon dioxide induced coal swelling, International Coalbed Methane and Oil Shale Symposium, May 20-21, University of Alabama, AL., 2009; May 20-21, University of Alabama, AL., 2009.
Ferdandez-Alos, V.; Watson, J. K.; Mathews, J. P. Directly capturing aromatic structural features in coal via "Fringe3D" generating 3D molecular models directly from HRTEM lattice fringe images, Prepr. Pap.-Am. Chem. Soc., Div. Fuel Chem., Salt Lake City, UT, 2009; Salt Lake City, UT, 2009; pp 338-340.
Winans, R. E., Chapman,
K. W., Chupas, P. J., Seifert, S., Clemens, A. H., Calo, J., Bain, E., Mathews,
J. P. and Narkiewicz, M. R., In situ studies of coal pressurized with CO2 by
small angle and high energy, wide angle X-ray scattering, Prepr. Pap.
- Am. Chem. Soc., Div. Fuel Chem., 2008, New Orleans, LA, 53,
Stracher, G. B.; Hower, J. C.; Hiett, J.; Finkelman, R. B.; Prakash, A.; Pone, J. D. N.; Mathews, J.; Annegarn, H.; A.A., H. K.; Blake, D. R.; Schroeder, P. A.; Emsbo-Mattingly, S. D.; O'Keefe, J. M. K.; Mardon, S. M. Coal fires: gateway to environmental destruction and human suffering, Fossil Fuel Foundation of Africa, 2nd Conference on Spontaneous Combustion: Open Cast and Surface Mines, Parkview, South Africa, 2008.
Pone, J. D. N.; Halleck, P. M.; Mathews, J. P., Methane and carbon dioxide sorption and transport rates in coal at in-situ conditions. 9th International Conference on Greenhouse Gas Control Technologies, Washington, D.C., 16-20 November, 2008.
Pone, J. D. N.; Halleck, P. M.; Mathews, J. P., Detailed characterization of coal strains induced by compression, carbon dioxide sorption, and desorption at simulated in situ conditions-conf paper. In 2008 Asia Pacific Coalbed Methane Symposium, Brisbane, Australia, 22-24 September, 2008.
Van Niekerk, D.; Mathews, J. P., The nature of solvent extracts from vitrinite-rich and inertinite-rich South African bituminous coals. International Pittsburgh Coal Conference, Sandton, South Africa, 2007.
Van Niekerk, D. and Mathews,
J. P., Solvent swelling of similar rank South African vitrinite-rich and
inertinite-rich coals: swelling extent and maceral influences, International
Conference on Coal Science and Technology, 2007, The University of Nottingham, England, 28-31
Mathews, J. P., Cody,
G. D. and Sharma, A., The structural alignment of coal as measured by image
analysis of HRTEM fringes, International Conference on Coal Science and
Technology, 2007, The University of Nottingham,
England, 28-31 August,
Kingman, S., Lester,
E., Wu, T., Mathews, J. P. and Bradshaw, S., The potential of coal microwaving
in power stations to improve grindability, International Conference on
Coal Science and Technology, 2007, The
University of Nottingham, England, 28-31 August,
van Niekerk, D.; Markley, B.; Li, Y.; Rodriguez-Santiago, V.; Thompson, D.; Mohan, A. R.; Elsworth, D.; Mathews, J. P.; Pisupati, S.; Song, C., Utilization of carbon dioxide from coal-fired power plant for the production of value-added products. In The International Pittsburgh Coal Conference, Pittsburgh, PA, September 25-28, 2006.
Soundarrajan, N., Hill,
M. A., Chen, L.-M., Dhar, V. G., Guo, J., Kim, H. J., Mustafaoglu, O., Sundararaman,
R., Elsworth, D., Mathews, J. P., Pisupati, S. V. and Song, C., Optimal design
for integrating CO2 capture and fuel conversion technologies in
a 500 MWe coal-based power plant, The International Pittsburgh Coal Conference,
2006, Pittsburgh, PA, September 25-28
Narkiewicz, M. R. and
Mathews, J. P., Visualization of carbon dioxide sequestration issues within
coal using a molecular representation of Pocahontas No. 3 coal, 12th International
Conference on Coal Science and Technology, 2005, October 9-14, Okinawa, Japan,
Dick, T. J., Acevedo,
O., Dalal, P., Madura, J. D., Evanseck, J. D. and Mathews, J. P., Molecular
basis for carbon dioxide sequestration in coal, Prepr. Pap. - Am. Chem.
Soc., Div. Fuel Chem.. 2002, Orlando,
Fl, April 7-11, Online at: http://pubs.acs.org/meetingpreprints/ ,
47 (1),, 14.
Adams, A. N., Mathews,
J. P. and Schobert, H. H., The Use of image analysis for the optimization
of pre-baked anode formulation, Light Metals: Proceedings of Sessions,
TMS Annual Meeting, 2002, Warrendale,
Pennsylvania, 547.
Adams, A. N., Karacan, C. O., Grader,
A., Mathews, J. P., Halleck, P. and Schobert, H. H., The non-distructive
3-D characterization of pre-baked carbon anodes using X-ray computerized
tomography, Light Metals: Proceedings of Sessions, TMS Annual Meeting,
2002, Warrendale, Pennsylvania, 535.
Mathews, J. P., Karacan, O., Halleck,
P., Mitchell, G. D. and Grader, A., Storage of pressurized carbon dioxide
in coal observed using X-Ray tomography, First National Conference on
Carbon Sequestration, 2001, Washington,
DC, Online at: http://www.netl.doe.gov/publications/proceedings/01/carbon_seq/7a4.pdf,
Mathews, J. P., Karacan, C. O.,
Dutta, R. P. and Eser, S., Computer tomography of laboratory generated delayed
coke, Prepr. Pap. - Am. Chem. Soc., Div. Petro. Chem.,
2001, Chicago, IL, 46, 3, 252.
Mathews, J. P., Jones, A. D., Pappano,
P. J., Hurt, R. and Schobert, H. H., New insights into coal structure from
the combination of HRTEM and laser desorption ionization mass spectrometry, 11th
Int. Conf. on Coal Science, 2001, San Francisco, CA., Available on CDROM from
Andrésen, J. M., Strohm, J. J.,
Mathews, J. P. and Song, C., Modeling of coke formation from Napthenic jet
fuel in the pyrolytic regime, Prepr. Pap. - Am. Chem. Soc., Div. Fuel
Chem., 2001, Chicago, IL, 46, 2, 365.
Adams, A. N., Mathews, J. P. and
Schobert, H. H., The Use of image analysis for the optimization of pre-baked
anode performance in aluminum production, Prepr. Pap. - Am. Chem. Soc.,
Div. Fuel Chem.. 2001, Chicago, IL, 46,
2, 595.
Pappano, P. J., Mathews, J. P. and
Schobert, H. H., Graphitization studies of Pennsylvania Anthracite using
molecular visualization, Eurocarbon 2000, 2000, 9-13 July, Berlin, 165.
Pappano, P. J., Mathews, J. P. and
Schobert, H. H., Molecular modeling of the stages of carbonization of phenanthrene
and anthracene, 24th Biennial Conference on Carbon,
1999, Charleston, SC, 1, 202.
Pappano, P., Mathews, J. P. and
Schobert, H. H., Structural determinations of Pennsylvania anthracites, Prepr.
Pap. - Am. Chem. Soc., Div. Fuel Chem.. 1999, New Orleans, 44,
Mathews, J. P., Eser, S. and Rahimi,
P., Preliminary results on the molecular structures of
the Athabasca and Cold Lake asphaltenes, Prepr. Pap. - Am. Chem.
Soc., Div. Fuel Chem., 1999, New Orleans,
44, 4, 783.
Schobert, H. H., Rusinko, F. J.
and Mathews, J. P., W(h)ither the coal industry? The long term view, The
Pittsburgh Coal Conference, 1998,
Mathews, J. P., Hatcher, P. G. and
Scaroni, A. W., Devolatilization, a molecular modeling approach, Prepr.
Pap. - Am. Chem. Soc., Div. Fuel Chem., 1998, Dallas, TX, March 29-April 2, 43, 1, 136.
Mathews, J. P., Hatcher, P. G.,
Eser, S., Walsh, P. and Scaroni, A. W., Time-temperature histories of bituminous
coal particles in a drop-tube reactor, Prepr. Am. Chem. Soc., Div Fuel
Chem., 1998, Boston, MA, August 22-27,
1998, 43, 3, 611.
Mathews, J. P., Hatcher, P. G. and
Scaroni, A. W., Influence of chemical structure on the fluidity of rapidly
heated bituminous vitrinites, Prepr. Pap. - Am. Chem. Soc., Div. Fuel
Chem.. 1997, San Francisco, April 13-17,
42, 1, 214.
Clifford, D. J., Mathews, J. P.,
Faulon, J.-L. and Hatcher, P. G., Chemical structure of hand-picked coal
macerals derived from specific plant precursors, Prepr. Pap. - Am. Chem.
Soc., Div. Fuel Chem.. 1994, San Diego,
31, 1, 198.
Mathews, J. P., Scaroni, A. W.,
Faulon, J.-L. and Hatcher, P. G., A structural model for coalified wood (vitrinite)
from a medium volatile bituminous coal seam, Int. Conf. on Coal Science,
1993, Banff, Alberta, Canada, Int. Energy Agency, Vol 1, 128.
Faulon, J.-L., Mathews, J. P., Carlson,
G. A. and Hatcher, P. G., Statistical evaluation of physical properties for
coal macromolecules based on computer generated structures, Prepr. Pap.
- Am. Chem. Soc., Div. Fuel Chem.. 1993, Chicago, IL, 38, 4, 1275.
Education Conference Papers
Pisupati, S. and Mathews,
J. P., Differences in teaching and learning outcomes in face-to-face, online,
and hybrid modes of energy conservation course, American Society for Engineering
Education Annual Conference, 2008, Pittsburgh, PA,
Mathews, J. P., Wherley,
M. and Spielvogel, E., Reaching the masses, web enabled redesign of "Energy & the
Environment" general education class, Prepr. Pap.-Am. Chem. Soc.,
Div. Pet. Chem., 2008, New Orleans, LA,
Eser, S., Mathews, J.
P. and Bridger, J. C., Integrating general education courses in natural science
and social science using a common thread, for example Pennsylvania coal, Prepr.
Pap.-Am. Chem. Soc., Div. Pet. Chem., 2008, New Orleans, LA,
Mathews, J. P. and DiBiase,
D., Institutional Perspective on Online Education at Penn State, International
Conference on Education and Information Systems, Technologies and applications:
EISTA '06, 2006, Orlando, FL, II, 29.
Howell, P. R., Mathews,
J. P., Pisupati, S., Babb, D. and Locklin, R. H., Designing on-line general
education, natural science courses, in the College of Earth and Mineral Sciences
(EMS), at the Pennsylvania State University, The 4th International Conference
on Education and Information Systems, Technologies and Applications: EISTA
'06, 2006, Orlando, Florida, July 20-23,
Morales, D. R. and Mathews,
J. P., Success in online learning: Does faculty intercession via e-mail message
alter student procrastination behavior and enhance learning?, American
Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference, June 12-15,
2005, Portland, OR,
Mathews, J. P., Wiesner,
A. and Pisupati, S. V., What online quizzing can tell us about our students, American
Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference, June 12-15,
2005, Portland, OR,
Pisupati, S., Mathews,
J. P., DiBiase, D. and Scaroni, A. W., An assessment of active and project
based learning in energy conservation education for non-technical students, Proceedings
of the 2004 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, 2004,
Mathews, J. P., Haughton,
N. A., DiBiase, D. and Pisupati, S., For an Online Course Encompassing “Traditional
Students”: How, Where, and When Students Work and Engage with the Course
Material, Frontiers in Education Conference, 2004, Savannah, Georgia, CD, Paper no. 1645, 1.
Pisupati, S., Mathews, J. P. and
Scaroni, A. W., Energy Conservation Education for Non-Engineering Students
and Effectiveness of Active Learning Components, American Society for
Engineering Education Annual Conference, 2003, Nashville, TN,
Mathews, J. P., Spielvogel, E.,
Wherley, M., DiBiase, D. and Pisupati, S., Online teaching of "Energy & the
Environment", American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference,
2003, Nashville, TN.