What do you expect this course to be like?
I expect it to be a supervised tour of the various engineering and research design problems facing society today. I see professor spending time guiding the student groups before letting them go and work out their own problems
a lot of hard work and participation.
I expect this class to be more like an actual job than most other classes. I expect that there will be a good deal of research and learning within the work group and new ideas brought up.
I do not have a objective frame of reference for basing any specific expectations for the course since most of my knowledge about the course has been received second hand from other students or from the brief/sketchy outlines provided on the course website.
I expect to work with my peers to crack at material problems. I hope that it would be very hands on literature and lab activities at our own pace and time
I expect us to have to solve engineering problems through group meetings, research etc.
I expect this course to be a lot of preparation for oral presentations and preparation for real world experiences.
I expect this will be a challenging course but very helpful in furthering my education.
I expect this course to be a group oriented material design.
I belive the course will be somewhat demanding, especially wiht outn of class work, but the group aspect will make up for the heavy work load
A source to help define the path for the remaining semesters thesis work. It is to be an introduction and polishing of skills required to effectively communicate ideas and results.
I am expecting that this course will require a good deal of work outside of the scheduled classroom time, such as doing library research, etc. I also imagine that the course will be unlike most university courses that I have taken in that there will be much more individual/group learning rather than being fed information by the instructor.
I was expecting that 492 is more into writing reports and doing group project. Doing a lot of talking and presentations weren't in my head.
This course should be very interactive and promote thinking/learning/progress through group work and preperation for future courses and senior projects.
MatSE 492W to be work intensive in trying to expose us to the material science industry. At the same time, we will all be learning about other materials that are not as focused in our perspective options.
I expect this course to involve a lot of writing and speaking; all of the things students dislike.
An emphasis on speaking and writing skills within the context of solving real world problems.
I expect it to be a lot of research and work to complete this project.
I expect a lot of team work and planning. I think that there will be alot of preparation needed to do well. Also alot of oral presentations.
I think this course will be fun and challenging. I think it will mimic real-life problem solving situations that I will encounter as a materials engineer.
I expect this course to be really helpful and prepare me in the workforce.
It will be early in the morning. It will involve group work. I think I will learn things in it.
I expect it to be informative and worthwhile


What do you expect to get out of this course?
I expect to learn more about the actual Engineering part of Materials Science and learn how the knowledge I have gathered in my previous classes can be applied to the real world
Get good work ethics. Learn how to work well in a team. And definitely on how the real world is going to be like.
I expect to learn more about one particular application of a material and what the outlook for materials is.
I believe I will learn some technical knowledge about the project assigned. More importantly I hope to learn some important lessons in written and oral communications when working in a small group.
I hope to get some feel of the real world to help me decide either going to a more research oriented field or business
I expect to learn problem solving skills, thought processes in real world experiences, and experience with real problems.
I expect to be well informed on some metallurgical process and be able to present this information well to others.
I believe that the most valuable thing i will take from this course is improved communication.
A better understanding of how Material Scientists can work in design teams to produce actual products for customers.
i think the course will be a good learning experience in going throught design process and learning how to problem solve
A better understanding of my thesis project options and some insight on possible career options.
Since we will be working on real problems submitted by companies, I expect that this course will help prepare me for the type of tasks I might actually face upon entering the workforce. I also expect that I will gain skills in how to determine and design a suitable material for an application or problem. Finally, I expect that I will leave the course with a better grasp of the type of writing required in the industrial materials science field.
I expect to know proper ways of writing reports, solving problems and working in a team.
This class will probably help us to work together more efficiently and professionally, as well as aid us producing a well thought-out thesis.
I expect this course to help me with my oral presentations and writing. I feel that this course will prepare me to work in the industry.
A better understanding of our assigned topic and better speaking and writing skills.
I'd like to improve my speaking skills a little more and would also like to learn how to better approach problem solving in industry. I also want to be able to search reference materials more efficiently by the time I'm done.
I expect to learn the right way of analyzing a problem and creating a plan to solve it.
Oral Presentation skills as well as leadership skills within the group.
I hope to solve problems by using feedback from other group members. Personally, I hope to learn to rely on other people rather than just try to do everything myself, as I have previously done in group activities.
I expect to have and trigger more ideas and insight to solve problems.
I expect to gain better presentation skills.
I expect to get a better understanding of the material at hand.


Do you expect that this course will operate any differently than courses you have taken before? Yes or No If yes, how? Also, does this bother you? If no, how do you expect this course to be essentially the same as other courses?
Yes. I hear there are very early field trips that involve missed classes. But other than that I am excited about getting out into the field and testing the waters
i think some what differently because i never really had a class where groups were emphasized. I'm a bit nervous because i'm not really a people person and tend to by quite shy. I hope i'll be able to do well. I'm also a bit nervous about the project and oral presentation. I was never good at public speaking.
Yes, I expect it to be more task oriented with a visible goal. I think it will be very beneficial.
Yes, the course will be operated in a more independent fashion and will focus on technical problem solving skills, written, and oral communication.
Yes, because everyone has different projects and it takes the whole groups to be able to do a good job.
Yes. I expect it to be more like an actual job than other courses. Other courses just teach things but you never actually learn the value of this knowledge in actually working at a job. This class seems more 'real'. This bothers me because I am unfamiliar with how to go about doing this because I've never taken a class like this before.
Yes, it will be different because I think it will be very formal and take on a character of a business like setting. And yes, being more formal and having higher expectations is a little intimidating.
Yes I believe the amount of time the course will require will be more then most my other classes. However I welcome this, because I believe that the time will be well spent.
Yes. This course emphasizes a group project rather than test.
It seems as though the groups have more freedom top set their own rules this is different but it does not bother me. I thihnk it will be good to both depend on and push the other students to complete work and get thier jobs done
Yes, Having to have a presentation ready at a moments notice is strange. Having undefined parameters for the presentation is perplexing. Getting to be more hands on research work that is not controlled by a text book or syllabus is great.
Yes, I expect that this course will focus much less on traditional testing and homework. Instead, I expect that I will instead be required to gather information on my own and that I will judged on my ability to present this information. The fact that we will be working on a single project the entire semester is also different than any other course I have taken thus far. None of these expectations bother me significantly.
Yes, because it will take a lot of time outside the class, and I believe the amount of the work is also more than other 3 credits courses. Yes it does bother me.
It may be different due to the fact that it appears to be more interactive than other courses. (See number 3's answer too).
Yes. Personally, it does not bother me because its a new challenge where the expectations are high.
Yes This course will probably involve much more out of class work than other courses.
No. This course is similar to an engineering design course I've took about a year ago in that one big project is assigned and you learn to work with team members to solve it. I'm glad I get to pick team members this time around.
Yes. This course relies a lot on teamwork and analysis of problems instead of just book work. It does not bother me.
Yes, it will be more team oriented and more focused on goals and team preparation.
Yes, because I am not used to working in groups. In other courses I worked with a partner. It was hard enough getting together with just one other person so it should be interesting to see if my group will be able to meet outside of class, if necessary. I am not really worried that this course is going to be different than classes I have taken before because I am always willing to try something new.
No, I don't. Because this course will require the same work as any other courses.
Yes. There are groups. Other classes do not normally work with groups.
Yes I believe it will in the sence that there will be alot more outside work done with a group of fellow students. It will not bother only if the work gets done smoothly and productively.


Do you think that your team will work well together and be productive? Yes or No If no, why?
Yes. I am fairly certain that if the group members all had the same choice in their top three then they should all be motivated and thus cooperative.
I hope we will be able to work well with one another. I'm sure if we all do our best we'll get along.
Yes, or at least I would hope that it would.
I do not know since I do not know who will be in my group.
Yes, if all the group members get along.
Yes. Because I am afraid of being called on and not knowing anything so I will be productive, yes. My team are all hard workers and know their stuff.
Yes, because I know I work well with others.
Yes I do think so, at this level of education we all have some group experience. It is simply a matter of each of us learning eachothers abilities and putting them to good use.
Yes, I have worked with some of the team members in the past.
Yes. we all are very cooperative people with simiar goals. Everyone seems friendly and willing to bend to make everything workj out wel
Yes, we seem to be gung ho and interested in the subject. We also bring alot of different skills and objective points of view which will provide us with a large spectrum of data collection and interpretation.
Yes, at this stage of our college careers, I believe all materials science students have had prior experience with group work. I think we are all capable of being productive in such an environment.
I think the team should be productive and cooperate well even though (I think) each of us are in different materials options. Also, some of us have worked together before or known others previously, which should help when it comes to the group work.
Yes, I believe my team will work well. With the weekly meetings, everyone will come to see that our vision of the project needs to be strong.
For the most part. There is always at least one person in a group that will not contribute.
Yes. I know my team members from last semester and have worked with them before.
Yes, as long as you can identify a person's strengths and weaknesses, you can determine what will work best for that group and come up with a common goal.
It depends on who is in the team. If the people in my group are genuine, hard-working and have some knowledge of the material (or are willing to learn it if they have not come across it before) I think we will work together just fine. If I have someone who is lazy in the group or someone that relies on other people to get things done, I think we will have major problems being productive. I will get along well with others as long as they are willing to get their share of the work done and get that work done well and on time.
Yes, I do think that working together is very productive. Many different ideas brought many solutions to the problem.
Im hoping for the best.


Have you had prior course experience with formal team projects? Yes or No If yes, describe. Was it a good experience?
Yes. It certainly was a good experience. It forced me to hone on my leadership and membership skills: meeting and setting deadlines, successful communication, etc.
No not really.
Yes, I have serveral classes where I had to do group work. It was a pleasent experience to do group work with students that I know that works hards like me. But random assignments sometimes put me into groups where I had to do all the work.
I have not had a real formal project with a team before.
Yes I had an ethics class at Alfred University that followed a similar idea as this course. The main difference is that the topics were much less current.
I have not had a large group project in a class. I have been exposed to a very limited amount of group engeering work through my work.
I took the ED and G class freshman year with a similar project at the end. It was good, buty i think this class will be better because we are all focused on more specific area of study
Yes, and no it was not a good experience because of conflicting schedules and diverse goals.
Yes, I have had prior course experience with formal team projects, although nothing on a semester-long scale. In my First Year Seminar and English classes, I was required on more than one occasion to work with other people on a research topic and then give a presentation to the class. These instances were a good experience in developing my oral presentation skills.
No formal team projects.
No. Formal team projects sounds intimidating, but I am confident that in the end it will be a good experience.
Yes. No it was not a good experience, in fact, it was a horrible experience. I was the only one in the group who would take any initiative. I hate working hard for someone else, who did nothing, to get my grade.
Yes, I worked with Mark essentially all of last semester and worked with Mike on a final presentation for Dr. Dickey's class. They were good experiences.
Yes. Experiences in Chem classes and MATSE 430 have been good. My partners wanted to do a good job on the projects.
Yes, I took ED&G100 summer 2002 and it was a great experience. It was a great break from test taking and a real experience that taught values and leadership skills.
No, I have not had prior course experience with formal team projects.
Yes, I have. It was in Matse 430 where we work together in a EBS spectroscopy.
No I have not, this will be a first for me.


Do you think working in teams in this course will be helpful? Yes or No Why or why not?
Of course.
yes, most definitely. Because i never really had any prior experience and i think it would be beneficial in the future.
I think it will be good because it's how the real world works.
Yes, It should be helpful because it allows for sharing of ideas and critiquing of those ideas.
Yes, because I believe in the saying of '3 stupid brains could beat a brilliant man'; being able to see the same project from different perspectives would help greatly.
Yes. Because I don't know everything and it makes it easier to ask questions to other members about something I might not understand.
Yes, I think it will be helpful because we will be able to bring all of our ideas together and be able to formulate a solid conclusion.
Certainly I think it will be helpful in the sense that the more collaboration that takes place the better the results will be. Also I believe it will be a good experience as often times it is required by industry to work with groups.
Yes, Most engineers work in groups on design projects.
YEs it will give me an oppopurtunity to get to know some people and also teach how to work well with others
For the projects provided it would appear that team work is essential to produce results. However, I am still jaded from past experiences of group projects. I remain openminded to this group but guarded of being reassured that this will be any diffrent then the ones before. Time will be the final judge.
Yes, I do believe working in teams in this course will be helpful. Given what little experience we have had to this point, I believe tackling such a semester-long project as an individual would be a daunting task. Working in teams will allow a circulation of ideas that can only improve the overall outcome of the problem-solving process. It will also allow each student to focus harder on their task at hand, since the responsibilities will be split between team members, rather than being placed on every individual's shoulders.
Yes, because it's going to be horrible with such amount of work if not working in a team. Furthermore, solving problem/s with more heads is better than just one head; it gives more ideas.
I think teams will help in this course because the material/projects could possibly be confusing or difficult depending on its subject matter (i.e. metals vs ceramics).
Yes. I believe that the formal team projects will help everyone improve their weaknesses and strengthen their skills.
Yes, if everyone works hard and does their part.
Yes, I think if you're going to be working on a problem, its better to have brainstorming sessions where a lot of different ideas are generated. The best way to do this is in groups.
Yes. Virtually all real world work involves working closely with others.
Yes, hopefully when I get a job after i graduate you will work in teams. The sooner you can work well with people, the better you will be able to perform your job and communicate your ideas.
I think working in teams will definitely be helpful for me. I need to learn to function better working with groups of people (as previously mentioned, I have a hard time trusting others to get work done and done well). I do think that working with other people will allow much more room for creativity in problem solving rather than trying to come up with an idea by myself. I also think it will be helpful in sharing the workload.
Surely working in teams will provide many aspects in problem solving.
Yes because other people offer different perspectives on things.
Yes I hope so. It will show me that I need more self reliance. I cant hope that the group members will work hard, I will need to put forth as much effort as I can.