Presentations to industrial engineers - midterm and final


1. Teams will prepare one Powerpoint file from which to work

2. Send the Powerpoint file to the team mentor for review

3. Send a copy of the Powerpoint file to the industrial contact person before your visit

4. Each team member will give a portion of the presentation, and each team member will receive a separate letter grade on their performance, according to the evaluation of their team mentor

5. No notes are to be used during the presentation; all supporting material must be on the Powerpoint slides. Touchy-feely demo objects are OK

6. In the review presentation, strive to convince company engineers that you are technically qualified to solve your problem. In the proposal presentation, you need to present a solid, well-supported proposed solution or solutions to your problem in such a way that you will be awarded a $5M contract to complete the study and carry out the solution