Young, G.S., and J. Zawislak, 2006
An observational study of vortex spacing in island wake vortex streets
In press, Mon. Wea. Rev.
Vortex streets are a frequent occurrence in stratocumulus-topped flow downwind
of mountainous islands. Theoretical studies dating back to von Kármán,
supported by laboratory and numerical studies, have
yielded similarity theories for the size and spacing of these vortices behind
bluff bodies. Despite dynamical difference between such two-dimensional flows
and the three-dimensional flow past isolated islands, satellite case studies
suggest these geometric similarities may also hold for the atmospheric case.
In this study, two of the resulting dimensionless ratios are measured using
satellite imagery. One is the aspect ratio between cross-street and along-street
spacing of the vortices. The second is the ratio of the cross-street spacing
to the crosswind width of the island. A 30-image sample from the Aqua and Terra
Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer satellites is analyzed to obtain
these ratios. The resulting set of values for the two dimensionless ratios is
tested against the values found in bluff body studies. The aspect ratio is tested
against the value of 0.28 resulting from von Kármáns inviscid
theory, and the dimensionless width ratio is tested against the value of 1.2
from Tylers laboratory study of flow around a bluff body. It is found
that atmospheric vortex streets do indeed follow the geometric similarity theories,
but with different values for the two ratios than those predicted by von Kármán
and Tyler. The aspect ratio is larger than predicted as is the dimensionless
width ratio. Both differences are consistent with the turbulent diffusion of
vorticity in the wake of the island. The vortex streets more closely follow
inviscid theory close to the island, with vortex expansion taking place a few
vortex diameters downwind of the island.