Marine Meteorology
Ho = ch U (Tsea - Tair)
Marine Meteorology is the study of weather at sea and along the coasts. In
many ways it resembles mountain meteorology with coasts and current boundaries
providing surface variations to drive interesting mesoscale circulation. While
hurricanes, coastal cyclones, and sea breeze fronts have been extensively studied,
most non-precipitating mesoscale marine atmospheric phenomena have been largely
ignored. Much remains to be learned in marine meteorology, particularly concerning
the weather caused by surface temperature features such as current boundaries
in the open ocean. Satellite remote sensing of clouds, winds, ocean roughness,
and ocean color play a key role in these ongoing discoveries.
Field Experiments | Selected
Field Experiments
Selected Publications
- Sikora, T.D., G.S. Young, and M.J. Bettwy, 2010: Analysis of the western shore Chesapeake Bay bay-breeze. National Weather Digest, 34, 55-65. --- Abstract
- Sikora, T.D., G.S. Young, and N.S. Winstead, 2006: A novel approach to marine
wind speed assessment using synthetic aperture radar, Weather and Forecastihng,
21, 109-115. --- Abstract
- Young, G.S., T.D. Sikora, N.S. Winstead, 2005: Use of synthetic aperture
radar in fine-scale surface analysis of synoptic-scale fronts at sea. Weather
and Forecasting, 20, 311-32. --- Abstract
- Young, G.S., and T.D. Sikora, 2003: Mesoscale Stratocumulus Bands Caused
by Gulf Stream Meanders. Monthly Weather Review, 131, 2177-2191.
--- Abstract
- Sikora, T.D., G.S. Young, E. O'Marr, R.F. Garparovic, 2001: Anomalous cloud
lines over the mid-Atlantic coast of the United States. Canadian Journal
of Remote Sensing, 27, 320-327. --- Abstract
- Babin, S.M., G.S. Young, and J.A. Carton, 1997: A new model of the oceanic
evaporation duct. Journal of Applied Meteorology, 36, 193-204.
--- Abstract
- Sublette, M.S. and G.S. Young, 1996: Warm-season effects of the Gulf Stream
on mesoscale characteristics of the atmospheric boundary layer. Monthly
Weather Review, 123, 653-667. --- Abstract
- Fairall, C.W., E.F. Bradley, J.S. Godfrey, G.A. Wick, J.B. Edson, and G.S.
Young, 1996: Cool skin and warm layer effects on sea surface temperature.
Journal of Geophysisical Research, 101, 1295-1308. --- Abstract
- Fairall, C.W., E.F. Bradley, D.P. Rogers, J.B. Edson, and G.S. Young, 1996:
Bulk parameterization of air-sea fluxes for TOGA COARE. Journal. of Geophysical
Research, 101, 3734-3764. --- Abstract
- Ledvina, D.V., G.S. Young, R.A. Miller, and C.W. Fairall, 1993: The effect
of averaging on bulk estimates of heat and momentum fluxes for the tropical
western Pacific Ocean. Journal of Geophysical Research-Oceans, 98,
20,211-20,217. --- Abstract
- Young, G.S., and J.W. Winchester, 1980: Association of non-marine sulfate
aerosol with sea breeze circulation in Tampa Bay. Journal of Applied
Meteorology, 19, 419-425. --- Abstract