Radar Meteorology
Radar Meteorology is the development of new weather radars and new applications
for weather radars. Dual polarization, phased array antenna designs, and high-sensitivity
clear-air echo detection form the leading edge of weather radar development.
Applications for these include improved flash flood nowcasting, rapid detection
and continuous tracking of severe weather, and monitoring of boundary layer
Field Experiments | Selected
Field Experiments
Selected Publications
- Swales, D.J., G.S. Young, T.D. Sikora, N.S. Winstead, H.N. Shirer, 2012: Synthetic aperture radar remote sensing of shear-driven atmospheric internal gravity waves in the vicinity of warm fronts, Monthly Weather Review, 140, 1872-1882. --- Abstract
- Fisher, C.M., G.S. Young, N.S. Winstead, and J.D.
Haqq-Misra, 2007: Comparison of synthetic aperture radar-derived wind speeds
with buoy wind speeds along the mountainous Alaskan coast. Journal of
Applied Meteorology and Climatology. 47, 1365-1376. --- Abstract
- Young, G.S., T.D, Sikora, and N.S. Winstead, 2007:
Manual and semi-automated wind direction editing for use in the generation
of synthetic aperture radar wind speed imagery. Journal of Applied Meteorology
and Climatology, 46, 776-790. --- Abstract
- Fast, S.A., G.S. Young, J.N. Bode, and K. Pelman, 2000: A three-dimensional
matching method for tropospheric features. Radio Science, 35,
1065-1073. --- Abstract
- Young, G.S., J.A. Harlan, and T.M. Georges, 1997: Application of over-the-horizon
radar observations to synoptic and mesoanalysis over the Atlantic. Weather
and Forecasting, 12, 44-55. --- Abstract