2) Dr. Georgy Bardossy
"Statistical methods in Geology as seen by a geologist"
3) Dr. Qiuming Cheng - President's Prize 1995
(to be announced)
4) Dr. Clayton Deutsch - Presidents Prize 1994
"Constraining Geostatistical Models to Dynamic Flow-Related Data"
2) Different views of the Darss Sill data set.
Conveners: John Davis + Jan Harff
3) Compositional data in petrophysics.
Conveners: John Doveton
4) Environmental geology.
Convener: Andrea Fabbri
5) Numerical methods in the earth sciences (26th Geochautauqua).
Conveners: Andrea Foerster + Dan Merriam
6) Seismology, volcanism and geodynamical settings.
Convener: Antonella Buccianti
7) Developments in computer software for the geosciences.
Convener: Eric Grunsky
8) Neural networks, fractals and other concepts in fashion.
Conveners: Susanna Sirotinskaya + Frits Agterberg
9) Marine Geology.
Convener: Karl Stattegger
10) Geostatistics.
Convener: Hans Wackernagel
11) Modeling subsurface flow.
Convener: Jaime Gomez-Hernandez + Clayton V. Deutsch
12) Engeneering geology.
Conveners: Heinz Burger + Juan Jose Egozcue
Everybody is encouraged to participate. The first step is submission of
an abstract by January 30, 1997. For additional information, please
see IAMG Newsletter 51, p. 7-8, or contact the conference secretariat at
the following address:
IAMG'97 - Conference Secretariat
CIMNE - International Center for Numerical
Methods in Engineering
Campus Nord UPC (Edifici C1)
E-08034 Barcelona (SPAIN)
tel.: +34 - 3 - 401 60 37
fax.: +34 - 3 - 401 65 17
e-mail: iamg97@ma3.upc.es