The ocean–sediment system and stratigraphic modeling in large basins

Bernd J. Haupt

Sonderforschungsbereich 313, Universität Kiel, Heinrich–Hecht–Platz 10, D–24118 Kiel, Germany

Karl Stattegger

Geologisch–Paläontologisches Institut, Universität Kiel, Olshausenstraße 40–60, D–24118 Kiel, Germany

The figures, animations and table shown here are supplementary material to the book chapter with the same name [PDF].

Additionally , we show several animations of our results published in the paper "SEIDOV, D. AND HAUPT, B. J., 1997, Simulated ocean circulation and sediment transport in the North Atlantic during the last glacial maximum and today: Paleoceanography, v. 12/2, p. 281–305." The animations show simulated sedimentation patterns, trajectories of water parcels, and settling of the particles in the North Atlantic for three different time slices:  the Holocene/Modern (HM), the meltwater event (MWE) near 13.5 ka B.P , and the last glacial maximum (LGM) near 18 ka B.P.




Figure 1: Coupling of the two submodels

Figure 1. Coupling of the two submodels



Figure 2: Coupling of the two submodels

Figure 2. Critical velocities for initiating bed load transport and suspension load transport (see Figure 3). The formula for calculating the bed load transport is qB where D* and p~0.7 and for calculating the suspension transport is qS.



Figure 3: Coupling of the two submodels

Figure 3. Critical velocities for initiating bed load and suspension load transport. The well known Hjulström (1935) curve is given as reference curve. The critical velocities for initiating of deposition (vcm,d), of bed load transport (vcm,b), and suspension load transport (vcm,s) are approximated by polynomial equations given in Zanke 1977.



a)Figure 4a: Present–day sedimentation rate (centimeters/1000 years).
b)Figure 4b: LGM sedimentation rate (centimeters/1000 years).

Figure 4. (a) Present–day and (b) LGM sedimentation rate (centimeters/1000 years). Only the eolian sediment input from the atmosphere (1x10-13 g/cm2s ~ 0.0864 mg/cm2d) is considered (Miller et al., 1977; Honjo, 1990). The critical velocities for starting of bed load and for beginning of suspension load are set to 0.05 cm s-1.

Figure 5: Present–day sedimentation rate (centimeters/1000 years).

Figure 5. Present–day sedimentation rate (centimeters/1000 years). In comparison to experiment HM1 (Fig. 4a) additional lateral sediment sources from rivers and coastal melting icebergs are included (Haupt, 1995; Haupt et al., 1997). Furthermore, the critical velocities for starting of bed load and for beginning of suspension load are decreased to 0.002 cm s-1 respectively 0.02 cm s-1 to initiate higher transports.



Figure 6: Time–integration and stacking of glacial and interglacial sediment patterns, scenario 1.

Figure 6. Time–integration and stacking of glacial and interglacial sediment patterns, scenario 1. This scenario uses the sedimentation pattern shown in Figure 4a for the interglacial, and the one shown in Figure 4b for the glacial state. Additionally the location of the cross–sections A–A' and B–B' (see Figure 8 and Figure 9), and the location of the North Atlantic site DSDP 607 are shown.



Figure 7: Time–integration and stacking of glacial and interglacial sediment patterns, scenario 2.

Figure 7. Time–integration and stacking of glacial and interglacial sediment patterns, scenario 2. This scenario uses the sedimentation pattern shown in Figure 5 for the interglacial and that shown in Figure 4b for the glacial state.



a)Figure 8a: Synthetic stratigraphy along the Greenland–Iceland–Faeroer–Scotland Ridge in scenario 1 (see text)
b)Figure 8b: Synthetic stratigraphy from the Mid–Atlantic Ridge to the border of the Barents shelf in scenario 1 (see text).

Figure 8. Synthetic stratigraphy (a) along the Greenland–Iceland–Faeroer–Scotland Ridge and (b) from the Mid–Atlantic Ridge to the border of the Barents shelf in scenario 1 (see text). The cross–sections A–A' and B–B' are shown in Figure 6.



a)Figure 9a: Synthetic stratigraphy along the Greenland–Iceland–Faeroer–Scotland Ridge in scenario 2 (see text)
b)Figure 9b: Synthetic stratigraphy from the Mid–Atlantic Ridge to the border of the Barents shelf in scenario 2 (see text).

Figure 8. Synthetic stratigraphy (a) along the Greenland–Iceland–Faeroer–Scotland Ridge and (b) from the Mid–Atlantic Ridge to the border of the Barents shelf in scenario 2 (see text). The cross–sections A–A' and B–B' are shown in Figure 6.

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Figures 8a, b and Figure 9a, b are available as animation.
525 frames (58 seconds) Figure 8a Figure 8b Figure 9a Figure 9b
263 frames (32 seconds) Figure 8a Figure 8b Figure 9a Figure 9b
105 frames (15 seconds) Figure 8a Figure 8b Figure 9a Figure 9b

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Table 1: A continuous time sequence of 33 cold and 34 warm periods covering the last 2.62 Ma years was filtered out from the North Atlantic site DSDP 607 (Ruddiman et al., 1989; Raymo et al. 1989). On the base of the oxygen isotope curve (running mean) Mudelsee and Stattegger (1997) took only periods with a minimum duration of 15000 years, that will contribute noticeably in the build–up of the sediment column.

Climatic Period Age in ka Duration in ka
warm 0–16 16
cold 16–113 97
warm 113–143 30
cold 143–194 51
warm 194–223 29
cold 223–294 71
warm 294 –327 33
cold 327–374 47
warm 374–421 47
cold 421–477 56
warm 477–497 20
cold 497–516 19
warm 516–589 73
cold 589–662 73
warm 662–697 35
cold 697–790 93
warm 790–817 27
cold 817–853 36
warm 853–950 97
cold 950–983 33
warm 983–1052 69
cold 1052–1072 20
warm 1072–1128 56
Climatic period Age in ka Duration in ka
cold 1128–1159 31
warm 1159–1185 26
cold 1185–1242 57
warm 1242–1259 17
cold 1259–1290 31
warm 1290–1319 29
cold 1319–1336 17
warm 1336–1359 23
cold 1359–1377 18
warm 1377–1396 19
cold 1396–1420 24
warm 1420–1445 25
cold 1445–1468 23
warm 1468–1483 15
cold 1483–1518 35
warm 1518–1538 20
cold 1538–1575 37
warm 1575–1624 49
cold 1624–1655 31
warm 1655–1679 24
cold 1679–1695 16
warm 1695–1729 34
cold 1729–1754 25
Climatic period Age in ka Duration in ka
warm 1754–1775 21
cold 1775–1801 26
warm 1801–1917 116
cold 1917–1960 43
warm 1960–1985 25
cold 1985–2006 21
warm 2006–2022 16
cold 2022–2037 15
warm 2037–2092 55
cold 2092–2131 39
warm 2131–2166 35
cold 2166–2191 25
warm 2191–2278 87
cold 2278–2296 18
warm 2296–2424 128
cold 2424–2454 30
warm 2454–2471 17
cold 2471–2525 54
warm 2525–2576 51
cold 2576–2595 19
warm 2595–2620 25

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Animations of the North Atlantic

Click images to trigger animations.


Sedimentation rate (centimeters/1000 year) facilitated by the Holocene/Modern circulation pattern.

Sedimentation rate (centimeters/1000 year) facilitated by the Holocene/Modern circulation pattern. The animation covers a period of 1000 years. The sedimentological settings are similar to thoose described in "The ocean–sediment system and stratigraphic modeling in large basins (see this volume)".


Sedimentation rate (centimeters/1000 year) facilitated by the meltwater event circulation pattern.

Sedimentation rate (centimeters/1000 year) facilitated by the meltwater event circulation pattern. The animation covers a period of 1000 years. The sedimentological settings are similar to thoose described in "The ocean–sediment system and stratigraphic modeling in large basins (see this volume)".


Sedimentation rate (centimeters/1000 year) facilitated by the last glacial maximum circulation pattern.

Sedimentation rate (centimeters/1000 year) facilitated by the last glacial maximum circulation pattern. The animation covers a period of 1000 years. The sedimentological settings are similar to thoose described in "The ocean–sediment system and stratigraphic modeling in large basins (see this volume)".


The following animations show trajectories of particles deployed in the western subtropical gyre of the North Atlantic for three time slices (H/M water parcels, MWE water parcels, LGM water parcels). All trajectories are calculated with the impact of the convection included (H/M convection, MWE convection, LGM convection). The first 150 years of the particles history are shown. The depth is indicated by colors from the color palette; as the particle descends or upwells, the color of the trajectory changes. The length of the particles tail show the paths during one year. Additionally, they are an indicator for the speed.

The following three animations show the same particles with an additionally settling velocity of 0.13 centimeter/day: H/M sediment particles, MWE sediment particles, LGM sediment particles.


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