Martin Gutowski :: About

About Me

I work for the John A. Dutton e-Education Institute in the College of Earth and Mineral Sciences. My offical title at Penn State is programmer/analyst; I spend a fair amount of time making web sites, hacking perl and php, mangling Drupal sites, and learning how to do new things to support projects in the Institute. I am married to Ann Taylor and have two stepsons, Cuyler and Josh. Josh went to Penn State and then to Penn for medical school. He is now a orthopedic surgery resident at the Hospital for Special Surgery in New York City. Cuyler also went to Penn State and is now in the Cancer Biology Ph.D. program at UCSF. I'm always listening to music and for fun I play volleyball and fish. I am from Baltimore, Maryland and attended Washington and Lee Universtiy ('86, Biology) and Penn State ('91, Fish and Wildlife Science).

Find Me
419 Earth Engineering Science Building (office)
2217 Earth and Engineering Science Building (mail)
University Park PA, 16802