International Association for Mathematical Geology (IAMG)

[First Announcement]

The 1997 Annual Conference of the
International Association for Mathematical Geology

Barcelona, Spain
22-27 September 1997

IAMG '97

[Second Announcement] for the IAMG'97to be held in Barcelona, September, 1997.
Third IAMG'97 Announcement
Pre-registration and Fees


January 31, 1997: Submission of abstracts
March 31, 1997: Notific. of acceptance
May 30, 1997: Camera-ready paper due
May 30, 1997: Early registration
May 30, 1997: Workshop registration
May 30, 1997: Short course registration

The first two conferences in this series were held in Mont Tremblant, Quebec, in 1994 and in Osaka, Japan, in 1995. The third one is going to be held in Beijing, China, August, 1996. The 1997 conference, which will be held in Barcelona, Spain, in September 22 - 27, pursues the same objective of being a platform for discussion in the field of Mathematical Geology. This international conference will focus primarily on the statistical analysis of compositional data with special emphasis on geological data. Other topics, such as environ- mental studies, resource assessment and exploration, predic- tion and prevention of geological hazards, computer applica- tions in geology, and theoretical developments in geostatis- tics, will be included depending on the proposals presented by scientists willing to organise special technical sessions. We invite you to make proposals for special technical sessions, tutorial workshops, and short courses. The sessions will be held in the Escola Tecnica Superior d'Enginyers de Camins, Canals i Ports de Barcelona (School for Civil Engine- ering) of the Universitat Polite cnica de Catalunya. Details about characteristics of the city, such as accommodation, travel, climate, cultural activities and special program for accompanying persons will be offered in forthcoming circu- lars, which will be sent to people who submit the attached pre-registration form.

Interested contributors for oral or poster presentations must submit a one-page abstract of 200-400 words in English without figures or references before January 31, 1997. Communications will be accepted on the basis of submitted abstracts by peer review of at least two referees. Notification of paper's acceptance and instructions for camera-ready manuscript (maxi- mum of four pages) will be mailed on March 31, 1997. Final ca- mera-ready copy will be due before May 30, 1997. Participants of the conference will receive a volume with all presented papers. Following the conference, authors of selected papers will be invited to present an extended article to be published in a special volume.

Conference chair and vice-chair

Vera Pawlowsky Glahn, Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya, Spain
R.A.Olea, Kansas Geological Survey, USA

International Scientific Committee

A.Buccianti, Universit degli Studi di Firenze, Italy
H.Burger, Freie Universit t. Berlin, Germany
J.J.Egozcue Rubi, Universitat Polite cnica de Catalunya, Spain
E.C.Grunsky, Ministry of Energy, Mines and Petroleum Resources, Canada
S.Sirotinskaya, Mathematical Methods Laboratory, Russia

Local Organizing Committee

M.C.Balbuena Martinez, Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya
C.Barcelo Vidal, Universitat de Girona
A.Carmona Mejias, Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya
C.Hervada Sala, Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya
X.S anchez Vila, Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya.

Please fill out the attached form for a to Pre-register for IAMG'97

Please, send Pre-registration form to:
IAMG '97- Conference Secretariat
CIMNE- Campus Nord (Edifici C1) UPC
S.Eul lia d'Anzizu, s/n
E- 08034 Barcelona (Spain)
Tel : 34 - 3 - 401 60 37
Fax.: 34 - 3 - 401 65 17