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Mader, D., Montanari, A., Gattacceca, J., Koeberl, Ch., Handler, R., & Coccioni, R., 2001, 39Ar-40Ar dating of a Langhian biotite-rich clay layer in the pelagic sequence of the Conero Riviera, Ancona, Italy: submitted.

Deino A., Gattacceca J., Rizzo R., Montanari A., 2001, 40Ar/39Ar dating and paleomagnetism of the Miocene calc-alkalic eruptive sequence of Monte Furru (Bosa, western Sardinia): Implications for rotation of the Corsica-Sardinia microplate. submitted.

Mukhopadhyay., S, Farley, K.A., and Montanari, A., 2001, A short duration of the Cretaceous/Tertiary boundary event: evidence from extraterrestrial 3He, Science 291(5510):1952-1955.

Mukhopadhyay, S., Farley, K.A., & Montanari, A., 2001, A 35 Myr record of helium in pelagic limestones: implications for interplanetary dust accretion in the early Maastrichtian to the Middle Eocene: Geochimica and Cosmochimica Acta 65(4):653-669.


Michelini, A., Spallarossa, D., Cattaneo, M., Govoni, A., & Montanari, A., 2000, The 1997 Umbria-Marche (Italy) earthquake sequence: tomographic images obtained from data of the GNDT-SSN temporary network. Journal of Seismology 4(4):415-433.

Montanari, A., and Koeberl, C., 2000, Impact Stratigraphy: The Italian Record. Lecture Notes in Earth Sciences, Springer, 364 pp.

Montanari, A., & Ammerman, A.J., 2000, Palatium e Sacra Via: Sourcing the Walls. Bollettino di Archeologia, Ministero Beni Culturali e Ambientali, v. 31-33, p. 189-193.

Vonhof, H.B., Smit, J., Brinkhuis, H., Montanari, A., & A. J. Nederbragt, 2000, Global cooling accelerated by early Late Eocene impacts?  Geology, v.28, p. 687-690.


Vishnevsky, S., & Montanari, A., 1999, The Popigai impact crater (Arctic Siberia, Russia): geology, petrology, geochemistry, and geochronology of glass-bearing impactites: Geological Society of America Special Publication 339, p. 19-60.


Campo Bagatin,  A., Montanari, A., &  Farinella, P., 1998, Impact energy flux in the last 150 Ma as inferred from the cratering records: in Impact on Earth, D. Benest and C. Froeschlé (Eds.), Lecture Notes in Physics, n. 505, p. 184-198.

Chauris, H., LeRousseau, J., Beaduoin, B., Propson, S., & Montanari, A., 1998, Inoceramid extinction in the Gubbio basin (northeastern Apennines of Italy) and relations with environmental changes during the mid-Maastrichtian: Paleogeography, Paleoclimatology, Paleoecology, v. 139, p. 177-193.

Claeys, P., Smit, J., Alvarez, W., & Montanari, A., 1998, Chicxulub et la limite Crétacé-Tertiaire dans la région du golfe du Mexique [The Chicxulub impact crater and the Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary in the Gulf of Mexico region]: Bulletin de la Societé Géologique de France, v. 169, p. 3-9.

Farley, K., Montanari, A., Shoemaker, E., & Shoemaker, C., 1988, Geochemical evidence for a comet shower in the late Eocene: Science 280(5367):1250-1253.

Montanari, A., Campo Bagatin,  A., &  Farinella, P., 1998, Earth cratering record and impact energy flux in the last 150 Ma: Planetary and Space Science 46(2-3):271-281.

Pierrard, O.,  Robin, E., Rocchia, R., and Montanari, A., 1998, Extraterrestrial Ni-rich spinel in upper Eocene sediments from Massignano, Italy: Geology 26(4):307-310.

Vonhof, H.B., Smit, J., Brinkhuis, H., & Montanari, A., 1998, Late Eocene Impacts accelerated global cooling? in "The strontium Stratigraphic record of selected geologic events" by H.B. Vonhof (PhD Thesis), Academisch Proefshrift, University of Utrecht, p.77-90.


Hough, R. M., Langenhorst, F., Montanari, A., Pillinger,  C. T., & Gilmour, I., 1997, Impact diamonds formed by chemical vapor deposition in the iridium rich K-T boundary layer from Arroyo El Mimbral, Tamaulipas, northeastern Mexico: Geology, v. 25, p. 1019-1023.

Montanari A., Bice, D.M., Coccioni R., Deino A., DePaolo, D.J., Emmanuel, L., Renard, M., G., Monechi, & Zevenboom, D., 1997, Integrated stratigraphy of the Chattian to mid Burdigalian pelagic sequence of the Contessa Valley (Gubbio, Italy): in Miocene Stratigraphy: An Integrated Approach, A. Montanari, G.S. Odin, and R. Coccioni ed., Elsevier Science B.V. Developments in Paleontology and Stratigraphy, v. 15, p.  249-278.

Coccioni, R., Fornaciari, E., Montanari, A., Rio, D., & Zaverboom, D., 1997, Potential integrated stratigraphy of the Aquitanian-Burdigalian Section at Santa Croce di Arcevia (Northeastern Apennines, Italy): in Miocene Stratigraphy: An Integrated Approach, A. Montanari, G.S. Odin, and R. Coccioni ed., Elsevier Science B.V. Developments in Paleontology and Stratigraphy, v. 15, p. 279-296.

Deino, A. Channel, J. Coccioni, R., De Grandis, G., DePaolo, D.J., Emmanuel, L., Fornaciari, S. Laurenzi, M., L., Montanari, M., Renard, M., & Rio, D., 1997, Integrated stratigraphy of the upper Burdigalian-lower Langhian section at Moria (northeastern Apennines, Italy): in Miocene Stratigraphy: An Integrated Approach, A. Montanari, G.S. Odin, and R. Coccioni ed., Elsevier Science B.V. Developments in Paleontology and Stratigraphy, v. 15, p. 315-342.

Montanari, A., Coccioni, R., Fornaciari, E., & Rio, D., 1997, Potential integrated stratigraphy in the Langhian l'Annunziata section near Apiro (Marche region, Italy): in Miocene Stratigraphy: An Integrated Approach, A. Montanari, G.S. Odin, and R. Coccioni ed., Elsevier Science B.V. Developments in Paleontology and Stratigraphy, v. 15, p. 343-350.

Montanari, A., Beaudoin, B., Chan, L., Coccioni, R., Deino, A., DePaolo, D.J., Emmanuel, L., Fornaciari, E., S., Kruge, M.,  Lundblad, S., Mozzato, C., Portier, E., Renard, M., Rio, D., Sandroni, P., & Stankiewicz, A., 1997, Integrated stratigraphy of the middle to upper Miocene pelagic sequence of the Cònero Riviera (Ancona, Italy): in Miocene Stratigraphy: An Integrated Approach, A. Montanari, G.S. Odin, and R. Coccioni ed., Elsevier Science B.V. Developments in Paleontology and Stratigraphy, v. 15, p. 409-450.

Odin, G.S., Deino, A., Cosca, M., Laurenzi, M.A., & Montanari, A., 1997, Miocene geochronology: methods, techniques, and results: in Miocene Stratigraphy: An Integrated Approach, A. Montanari, G.S. Odin, and R. Coccioni ed., Elsevier Science B.V. Developments in Paleontology and Stratigraphy, v. 15, p. 583-596.

Odin, G.S., Montanari, A., & Coccioni, R., 1997, Chronostratigraphy of Miocene Stages: a proposal for the definition of precise boundaries: in Miocene Stratigraphy: An Integrated Approach, A. Montanari, G.S. Odin, and R. Coccioni ed., Elsevier Science B.V. Developments in Paleontology and Stratigraphy, v. 15, p. 597-630.


Alvarez, W., Ammerman, A.J., Renne, P.R., Kramer, D.B., Terrenato, N., & Montanari, A., 1996, Quaternary fluvial-volcanic stratigraphy and geochronology of the Capitoline Hill in Rome, Geology: v. 24, p. 751-754.

Beaudoin, B., M'Ban, E.P., Montanari, A., & Pinault, M., 1996, Stratigraphie haute resolution (<20 ka) dans le Cenomanien du bassin de Marches-Ombrie (Italie) [High-resolution lithostratigraphy in the Cenomanian of the Umbria-Marche Basin (Italy)]: Académie de Sciences, Comptes Rendus, v. 323, p. 689-696.

Clymer, A. Bice, D. M., & Montanari, A., 1996, Shocked quartz from the late Eocene: Impact evidence from Massignano, Italy: Geology, v. 24, p. 483-486.

Lanci, L., Lowrie, W., & Montanari, A., 1996, Magnetostratigraphy of the Eocene/Oligocene boundary in a short drill-core: Earth and Planetary Science Letters 143(1-4):37-48.

Smit, J., Roep, Th. B., Alvarez, W., Montanari, A., Claeys, P., Grajales-Nishimura, J.M., & Bermudez, J., 1996, Coarse grained, clastic sandstone complex at the K/T boundary around the Gulf of Mexico: Deposition by tsunami-waves induced by the Chicxulub impact?: Geological Society of America, Special Paper 307, p. 151-182.


Assorgia, A., Chan, L. S., Deino, A., Garbarino, C., Montanari, A., Rizzo, R., & Tocco, S., 1995,  Volcanigenic and paleomagnetic studies on the Cenozoic calc-alkalik eruptive sequence of Monte Furru (Bosa, mid-western Sardinia): Giornale di Geologia, v. 56, p. 17-29.


Ingram, L., B., Montanari, A., & Coccioni, R., 1994, Strontium isotopic composition of mid-Cretaceous seawater: Science, v. 264, p. 546-550.

Kruge, M.A., Stankiewicz, A., Crelling, J.C., & Montanari, A., 1994, Fossil charcoal in Cretaceous-tertiary boundary strata: Evidence for catastrophic firestorm and megawave: Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, v. 58, p. 1393-1397.

Kruge, M. A., Stankiewicz, A. B., & Montanari, A., 1994, Serravallian shales in the Monte dei Corvi pelagic sequence (Ancona, Italy): An organic geochemical perspective: Giornale di Geologia, v. 56, p. 173-182.

Montanari., A., Carey, S., Coccioni, R., & Deino, A., 1994, Sardinian provenance for Lower Miocene tephra in the pelagic sequence of the northeastern Apennines: Tectonics: v. 13, p. 1120-1134.

Montanari, A., Sandroni, P., Clymer, A., Collins, J., Lanci, L., and Lowrie, W., 1994, Preliminary report on a core drilled across the Eocene-Oligocene boundary in the type locality of Massignano (Italy): The Massicore: IUGS-SOG Bulletin de/of Liaison et/and Information, Paris, v. 12, p. 13-16.

Montanari, A., 1994, Tracking down the Popigai: Investigations on a suspect Cenozoic killer: European Science Foundation, Network on Impact Cratering and Evolution of Planet Earth, Post-Östersund Newsletter (Strasbourg), p. 28-31.

Smit, J., Roep, T. B., Alvarez, W. Claeys, P., Montanari, A., 1994, Deposition of channel deposits near the Cretaceous-Tertiary Boundary in northeastern Mexico-Catastrophic or normal sedimentary deposits-Comments. Geology 22(10):953-954.

Vishnevsky, S., & Montanari, A., 1994, Petrography and geochemistry of Popigai impact melt rocks: A selection of material for potentially reliable radioisotopic dating: European Science Foundation, Network on Impact Cratering and Evolution of Planet Earth, Post-Östersund Newsletter (Strasbourg), p. 16-27.


>Lowrie, W., Alvarez, W., Montanari, A., Smit, J., 1993, Tektite-bearing, deep-water clastic unit at the Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary in northeastern Mexico. Geology 21(2):191-192.

Montanari, A., Asaro, F., Kennett, J. P., & Michel, E., 1993, Iridium anomalies of Late Eocene age at Massignano (Italy), and in ODP Site 689B (Maud Rise, Antarctica): Palaios, v. 8, p. 420-437.


Montanari, A., 1992, The Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary in Mexico: Lithostratigraphy, preliminary interpretation, and search for geochronometers: Report in the Bulletin of/de Liaison and/et Information, v. 10, p. 16-18.

Montanari, A., 1992, Microtektites as a geochronometer: Report in the Bulletin of/de Liaison and/et Information, v. 10, p. 35-36.

Montanari, A., Coccioni, R., & Odin, G. S., 1992, The Miocene Columbus Project (IUGS-SOG): Progress report on the interdisciplinary stratigraphic and geochronologic studies of the Miocene pelagic sequence in the Apennines:  Bulletin of/de Liaison and/et Information, v. 10, p. 19-32.

Smit, J., Montanari, A., Swinburne, N.H.M., Alvarez, W., Hildebrand, A. R., Margolis, S. V., Claeys, P., Lowrie, W., Asaro, F., 1992, Tektite-bearing, deep-water clastic unit at the Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary in northeastern Mexico. Geology 20(2):99-103.

Smit, J., Alvarez, W., Montanari, A., Swinburne, N., Van Kampen, T. M., Klaver, G. T., & Lustenhouwer, W. J., 1992, "Tektites" and microkrystites at the Cretaceous Tertiary boundary: Two strewn fields, one crater?: Proceedings of Lunar and Planetary Science, v. 22, p. 87-100.

Swisher, C.C. III, Grajales, J, M., Montanari, A., Margolis, S. V., Clayes P., Alvarez, W., Renne, P., Cedillo-Pardo, E., Maurasse, F., Curtis, G. H., Smit, J. and McWilliams, M. O., 1992, Chicxulub crater and K-T boundary tektites from Mexico and Haiti yield 40Ar/39Ar ages of 65 Ma: Science, v. 257, p. 954-958.



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